Saturday 19 April 2008

I hated today

1. Got to yard early to find shetland already out so Molly couldnt go out. Kindly they'd hayed, watered and skipped her out, but it meant I'd had a journey up there for nothing, other than to tell her what a pretty pony she was.

2. Got to work, checked the broadband....nothing. Then my computer (master) crashed. So had to restart everything and ban everyone from touching anything. Got the broadband working again.

3. Credit card machine on the end till decided not to work. Had a tantrum, kicked some things and it worked again.

4. C is a tit. He cannot stay out of the office for longer than 5 minutes, which is no good when I am trying to concentrate because

5. S had put cash through on an account as a cheque, so I had no way of telling if the fact the till was up was because he'd put it through wrong or because people had paid their subs back. Finally finished banking at 11.30.

6. CUSTOMERS. Please don't expect me to make the decision for you. I don't tell you stuff because I like the sound of my own voice, I am telling (suggesting, whatever) you to do something because *I think* it will help your pet. I wont tell you to spend money needlessly, I wont recommend the most expensive product, if I recommend something it's because *I* think it's the best for whatever you want it to do .

7. STAFF. Don't take the piss, don't argue back when you're in the wrong and I wont get cross. Simple, no? You'd think.

8. COMPUTERS. It crashed again as I was doing the sat eve banking. Then I forgot to run the reports.

9. Got to the yard, wanted to ride, but no one about and no one likely to be about for a while. Yard is spooky (to horses and humans...) and I really didnt fancy riding on my own, esp as Cob has had a few days in. OH whinged about coming up (he had my saddle anyway), so I decided to lunge instead. Pony was a tit. BUT did some really lovely work, so, do I be pleased about what I did get or be frustrated at her 'I cant hear you...' behaviour?

10. I swear my phone got a text when I was on the way home, but it was as I was sliding it down. No text when I got home. This has frustrated me cos I want to know who it was from/what it said, or if I just imagined it, which is most likely.

11. I've just unsuccessfully managed to worm the cats. Well. They're wormed, but it's taken both chris and I a good 45 minutes and we're both covered in tuna.

12. I can't decide whether to get up early to the yard and ride before work (AND make sure she gets turned out), or get up early, turn out then go to the gym before work. The main thing that bothers me about riding before work is what if I lose track of time? I need to pick Dan up too. Plus...the idea of running for 45 minutes makes me want to poke my own eyes out. But I dont want to not go just cos I can't be arsed, because if I do that now I'll do it again....Basically, I'll be fucked off if I go, and fucked off if I dont.

13. I still havent cleaned my tack, made my lunch or got myself organised for tomorrow and I'm tired. :whinge:

I'm sure something good happened. No idea what it was though.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.