Saturday 15 November 2008

Next year....

I shall become financially solvent.

I WILL pay off my credit card and only use it when I can pay it off within a month.

I WILL pay off my work account

I WILL sort my teeth out

I WILL lose this last 4 stone

I WILL get divorced

:fingerscrossed: anyway...


I don't know whats up with me at the minute - I don't know if this pain is normal....I am horribly healthy so I don't deal with pain overly well. If something hurts I get convinced I'm dying. So, is this pain normal and something to live with cos it will die off in a couple of days, OR should I go back to the dentist? I have an appt in a couple of weeks anyway.

Was meant to be going to Stephs birthday at Nandos tonight, but Chris only got in half an hour ago and I was asleep. Ooops, so have been a chicken and sent her a text to say we're not coming. I did prewarn her earlier that we might not cos of my mouth.

Did a proper full muck out of Molls bed earlier, took me absolutely ages and I lost count of the amount of barrow loads I took out. Hopefully that was my workout for the day because I've been a fat cow for the rest of it (when I've been awake). Had a tidy round of all my stuff, and found one of her previously lost wellies, which was a bit of a result. Must remember to take up a scoop for her Graze-On tomorrow rather than just grabbing handfuls. Very messy and wasteful...Must try harder to watch pennies.

Friday 14 November 2008

I am being such a fat cow

I've put on 5lbs this week :( so you would imagine i would be being uber good from today? No. I was good all day at work, but since I've got in, I've had a mars duo, the vast majority of a bag of Haribo (Starmix...mmmm), an embarrassing amount of cheese and salami, 2 slices of bread & jam, a hot chocolate....and I'm about to have my tea - with wine. Oh well.

Anyway. I'm on holiday now from work. It's been a shit week. My mouth hurts. I'm going to get very drunk and start again tomorrow.

Who knows, I might even get to ride my horse this week?

Thursday 13 November 2008

It was all going so well...

food-wise. But then there was an incident with a strawberry bun, some yogurt and some nutella. And Chris has bought some croissants. The correct thing to do now would be to refuse said croissants, but I was so excited when I saw them, he'll guess somethings up. And I want them.

My mouth is still sore, but not AS sore - but I am still popping the painkillers. I'll see how it is next week. It didnt keep me awake last night, so hopefully it's all settled down.

Andy wants to meet up next week to get some papers signed for the divorce. Erk. I was meant to be thin when I met him again. Having said that it's about 2 years now I think since he last saw me. Wonder what he looks like now?

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Stupid teeth

Gah.... Didn't sleep much again last night, despite the wine. Face is still blown up and sore, but finished the antibiotics yesterday. Suppose toofache will either develop into something proper, or I am actually imagining it. Either is possible. Especially at the moment, as it doesnt hurt at all now, but, oh, I don't know. I've had a lot of pain killers today. Quite like it when it hurts, reminds me it's not all in my head.

Didn't go to the gym. But have had vegetables for tea, and soup for lunch.

Neither Dan nor Vickie in tomorrow. Colins day off. Kelli in, but has knackered her thumb. Chris is MEANT to have a day off but he's coming in. Probably just as well, as it would have been just me and Stu again.

Very tired, can't wait for my week off next week. Havent ridden since I don't know when. Molly hasnt been out for last 3 days. She's going to be feral by the time I do get back on her. She had a good groom tonight, she wasn't impressed.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Christopher is home

He comes bearing cheese, chocolate, garlic and LOTS of wine..

Well, it would be rude not to, we're sampling the chocolates and have sampled the wine. Technically, as I am currently having an allergic reaction to the abs (rashy face) the wine is probably a bad idea, but, hey....I'm not dead yet.

My mouth hurts and I feel sick.

Welcome home Christopher :lol:

Monday 10 November 2008

Owwwww my stupid teeth

They, well, the top one that's left on the right hand side, has really hurt for most of the day. Has been fine from about 3pm onwards, but now it's REALLY sore again - my own fault I've overloaded on nutella (my 'healthy' dessert) and options.

I didn't sleep that well last night again - I don't know if it's cos the cats are being little shitheads, my teeth hurting or the fact Chris isn't here. Potentially a combination of all 3. I used to hate it when Andy came home and banished him to the spare room in case he woke me up, but I'd give anything to have Chris here now :blush:

Ponies didnt go out today, the field is actually a swamp now plus it was uber windy. Not getting back on a FatHorse till we can either go out in company or the school dries up - if there's any left of it. Most of it was in the field yesterday. She was feral yesterday.

Went to the gym tonight, didnt do overly well but I'm pleased I went. Right up to the point I got on the rower (which I did first) I was making excuses as to why I'd have to leave early but then once I'd started I got a bit into it. My mouth was pounding though and could still taste blood. Not nice.

Tomorrow has the makings of being a shit day at work, just C in the shop so I will have to spend the day in there with him. Hope my mouth feeling better. Stupid teeth.

Sunday 9 November 2008


My mouth is still sore, sneezing is painful and my upper right hole has an intriguing tendancy to make bizarre noises like air is being sucked up it. And my head hurts. I am however eating normal food again though.

Going back to the gym tomorrow night, could have gone this morning really but I felt a bit rubbish - Chris went last night and I had a fuck-awful nights sleep. The cats were playing silly buggers all night and I had myself convinced there were people breaking in at work and prowling about outside.... Not nice. Ended up switching my phone off at 3am cos I was convinced I was going to get an alarm call and while I'm not exactly a fan of them when Chris is home, I TRULY didnt fancy one on my own.

Diet has gone by the wayside and obviously exercise has too, so I will either stay the same or put weight on this week, but :dunno: can't get in a shit over it because there's not really been much I can do - well apart from not eat shit obviously.

Tomorrow is going to be shit at work - V rang earlier to say she wants to take her dog to the vets first thing in the morning because it looks like she's in labour but nothings actually happening (I have STRONGLY advised she go now and not later) , and now DtM has rung me to say he's had a car crash and written off his car. Have texted Poo but no reply yet, so he's going to be in a shit as well.

Andy rang Friday night. He wants to start divorce proceedings. Interesting.... Apparently he's starting them tomorrow. Cool.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.