Saturday 9 August 2008

This will come to nothing, but...

I've decided that once I reach a respectable weight, FatHorse and I will go and spend 4 days with Mary Wanless ( ) there's no local inctructors....nearest is Scarborough and I cant afford to pay her petrol money as well as for the lesson on a monthly basis. This is, obviously, dependant on me a/ getting thin, b/ saving the money for it - it will cost almost as much as Iceland is costing and c/ finding a way of getting FatHorse and I down there. Multimap claims its nearly 4 hours in a car.

It's something to attempt to aim for anyway.

I must ride FatHorse tonight. I dont know what's wrong with me at the minute, maybe I just dont like having days off anymore LOL. I just can't work up the energy to do anything really. Kind of want to go for a run, but can't really be arsed and definately can't be arsed with the gym today.

Am very excited about the Olympics, DESPERATELY want to go and watch the eventing in 2012 now. I always get really patriotic during the Olympics and a little bit jealous too LOL. I can't even imagine being part of something like that, it must feel AMAZING.

Oooh, the RWYM instructor does courses too - but the snob in me wants a lesson from MW herself. Maybe I could go to Scarborough first then work up to a real MW lesson...?

Friday 8 August 2008

A (not very) successful day

I have:

Had a shit gym session

Electrocuted the FatHorse (I have The Guilt now)

Eaten FAR too much

Done no other exercise

Made Chris cry

Not bad going hey


I'm having a lazy, eat all the pies day today. I can't get motivated at all.

Well, I went to the gym at 8am (couldnt stay asleep, had been up since half 6), then went up and did the nags, havent ridden (and dont feel like riding), just mucked out her stable from yesterday, gave them all haylage and scrubbed her water bucket and refilled it. Also moved her fencing out again. Little bugger has been leaning on the fence to get to more grass and sticking her head through the 2 lines of tape, so I put the energiser on it. God love her, she had the shock (haha) of her life, I feel almost sorry for her lol. She did it twice more then seemed to remember it bit, but everything was snorted at and generally made a high drama of for a while afterwards.

Have also walked into town and spent a ridiculous amount of money in Netto - getting the alcohol for the jumpathon. Really not looking forward to it now, none of my friends are coming and I can just imagine Chris and I sitting with the BBQ all night. Oh well, it's all for charity...

I've been thinking about some stuff Nicola said the other night and the more I think about, the more offended I get. I know the logical thing to do would be to not think about it, but I cant stop dwelling on it. But I cant decide if what she said was offensive or just fact. Chris was off being pissed somewhere so I cant even ask him.

I'm so tired now, I should finish tidying but can't even be arsed to stand up. Was planning on going for a run this afternoon, but....nah.

Thursday 7 August 2008


Hmm. Last night actually ended up being quite fun. Maybe I just can't cope with her when she's single? He sounds lovely though and I hope he looks after her properly.

Was meant to ride this morning but I woke up at half 5 and it was bouncing down, went back to sleep and it was still raining hard when the alarm went off at 6.15, so decided I wasnt going to ride and (attempted) to sleep a little longer. It's now dry as a bone and I COULD have ridden and I'm cross now that I havent.

Can't decide whether to gym or run tonight. At the minute I dont really feel like doing either. Two (big, admittedly) glasses of wine last night and I feel rubbish! I'm nearly as bad as Christopher LOL.

Wednesday 6 August 2008


Urgh, I feel fat already. Today at lunch there was a minor slip up with some thorntons fudge AND some ginger cake and tonight cos Nicola is coming round, we're having pizza, garlic bread and wine.

Can't wait though, I'm such a pig.

Work still tense, went to the gym before work this morning, was lovely. Only 3 of us in. Still couldnt get on the cross trainer though, so did bike instead as fast as I could. Only program 1 though cos I"m thick and can't work out how to change the levels. Did 15 minutes on that (think it was 6km), 30 seconds work/10seconds rest X 10 on the rower and on the treadmill...ta-dah!! 1 minute rest (0% incline, 4mph) and work 80seconds on 4% incline and at 6.5mph. I might try 5% next time, see how I go. Only did that for 10 minutes though. Rode tonight and she was A Good Pony, even did some little jumping - not as big as yesterday though. Friends little boy is coming over tomorrow night to 'ride' her (he's 5) so I'm going to ride in the morning to make sure she's calm in the evening lol. I can't decide whether to gym after they've gone, or go for a run. Or just do bugger all.Check me out having dilemmas over exercise.

I'm so hungry, I can't wait for this pizza to be ready.

FatHorse is out in her LW run tonight to make sure I can ride in the morning (is raining now) so I fully expect that to be trashed tomorrow.

And mum rang, she's lost one of the kittens :bawling: She's really upset and I dont know what to say to her.

Tuesday 5 August 2008


As ever.

Work has been odd today. One member of staff ended up having to go to hospital thanks to some new spray we were using to control mites, but it turns out that not only have we just poisoned a staff member, but we may have just inadvertently written off a load of stock by using the spray on it. The word 'fuck' sums it up quite nicely, I think. Now D has rung up to say his girlfriends mother has just died and he doesnt think he'll make it in Thursday or Friday - so I think I've just waved goodbye to my days off this week. I feel awful for minding, but... I do. I dont mind working all hour if I'm going to get paid for it, but I've been told no more for definate now.

Rode the FatHorse this morning - we jumped the dizzying heights of 2ft, check us out. We'll maybe not do that too many times, I felt sick going in, and sick afterwards for fucking ages lol.

I'm not going to get much done tomorrow at work, I can tell.

Gymmed tonight before FatClub, it worked lol, they think I've lost 2lbs. Well, gym + semi food ban for the day. So that wasnt bad. Shame I've spoilt it all by having the biggest bowl ever of cheesey pasta and chocolate chip brioche!! Tomorrow night is another bad night - garlic bread, pizza and wine. Have invited Nicola over as its her birthday at the weekend and I have ensured I'm busy, but I'm fed up of being a shit friend so she's coming tomorrow instead. I will become A Good Person.

Can't decide what to do in the morning. It's raining now, so if it's been wet all night/still raining in morning, as FH is out at the minute, riding will be out the window, so will just go up, throw some haylage at the ones that are in and go to the gym instead. Maybe. If it's dry I'll ride in morning like normal and then gym in evening.

Gym tonight was rubbish, although it was lovely and empty. Had to go on the bike rather than the x-trainer cos people kept getting on them before me and on the treadmill, i ended up having to put the incline down. Only did 10minutes on that too. Pathetic. Tomorrow I'll do better.

Mum still has 3 kittens and the mum, they all seem to be doing well at the minute. Mum thinks they were just too old when they were born as they actually seem about a week old, not a day old at the minute - eyes are opening, ears are up and their points coming through already. Can't wait to see them. She's panicking they're doing too well though and this is the good bit before she loses them all. She's also decided to stop breeding. I can't decide if I believe her or not.

Monday 4 August 2008


We're not talking about weight today. I didnt have much sleep last night (WHY???) and I was fine until about midday (ie, I'd eaten all my lunch bar the porridge & banana) when Fanny announced she was off to Weegemans. I resisted for approximately 5 seconds, then got a hot ham sandwich, a scotch egg AND a flapjack. The scotch egg and flapjack were both gooood but the sandwich was RUBBISH. So not only do I have food-guilt, it's over some rubbishy shit sandwich I didnt even enjoy. Rahhhhh, indeed.How to lose 5lbs (and keep it off) overnight?

Work was rubbish, although got my final bonus figure. That isn't rubbish, but seeing the amount I have on my credit card IS. Ouch. Work wasnt rubbish, actually, *I* was rubbish. Very lazy and even tiredness doesnt excuse it.

Went running with TAM after work, panicked a bit when we got to Golden Acre and there were the 2 others there as well, all four of us were running :eek: Tried to wriggle out of it, but wasnt allowed and OMG if it wasnt a REALLY GOOD run. We didnt go far - 2.3miles but we (all - inc me!!) ran the first 2miles without stopping (the last 0.3 was up a steep hill, so none of us did that). Only managed it cos the first bit was all downhill and the rest of it till the very end was flat, but hey, I did it, and I POSSIBLY could have gone round again, with a walk break. I might try it again sometime, it was nice. We're going to do Swinsty next Monday night. That I'm not looking forward to so much.

Rode FatHorse after the run, I really shouldnt have. Neither of us were really in the mood and she was a stubborn, nappy, backwards thinking pain in the arse and I lost my temper too quickly. Got off after 20minutes before I did something I regretted.

Mum rang earlier, her queen (bellys mum) went into labour early this morning, but had dificulties, so she ended up going in for a cesarian. There was 5 kittens, but they've lost 2. Mum cant decide if she wants to keep one or not (she doesnt know sexes yet) but has said it's the last litter she's having. Still undecided about Bellyboo, she is gagging for it at the minute and everyone in Otley knows about it.

Hope I sleep tonight.


I'm not riding this morning, which has annoyed me, but after having approximately 2 minutes sleep, I've woken up in a bad mood and I just know we'll wind each other up something chronic. Can't help feel I'm a lazy bitch though. Could have/should have gone to the gym instead. Still running tonight with TAM.

I think I've done something to the right side of my chest, slept funny or something, it hurts a little.

Did think about having today off as holiday, but can't really be arsed with the questions and comments I'll get. I wish I could just take a month off from everything, get my head together and go back feeling good.

It's a definate gain week this week. I might forget FatClub tomorrow.

Sunday 3 August 2008


I'm so tired. Went up to the yard and rode before going to the gym. Don't know what had got into FatHorse, but she was an argumentative pain in the arse. I can't decide whether to leave the flash off (could be a bad move) or put a martingale on her. Or just to lunge her, but I could do with riding really - re-establish that we CAN go round corners without falling in or generally being a cow.

Gym was 'ok' - if I'm honest it was a bit rubbish, but I was giving myself benefit of doubt having just ridden. I was being too kind to myself, it was a shit gym, I ended up doing the last work 70seconds at 3% incline and the cross trainer was bollocks, I dont think I made it over 65 on the 'fast' section once. Rower was ok though I guess. No time for thin-arms or stretching. I dont know why I'm still late on a Sunday morning. I shouldnt be.

Work was good, very busy to start with but utterly dead all afternoon, so we ended up not taking a great deal at all. Got some new stock out and have ordered some more new things. I'm getting as bad as chris, hope it sells :S, there isnt room for it NOT to.

I did think about riding again tonight, but ended up just going for a pat. She couldnt care less. Soon as she realised I had no food for her, she just trundled off, no interest in cuddles whatsoever. Ungrateful old bitch.

Went for a run tonight as well, it was shit too. Walked far more than I ran. I'm doubly cross too cos I was too embarrassed to run in front of a bunch of chavs so I ended up walking far more than I should have done. Stupid AND rubbish. Mapmyrun says it was just under 3.5miles though so I should maybe do that one a bit more often, practise it, until I can run the lot. There are a *few* hills though...

I think the next time I go running I'll try Fewston, just a bit scared I'll get lost :rolleyes: I dont really remember the way (I've been round it once) but I do remember a bizarre twisty bit around a car park, which is where I have every potential to get lost. Hmmm.

Jumpathon the week after next. Everyone I've invited has either forgotten, made other plans or just plain refuses to say yes or no. So I'm going to know 4 people there and look like a twat too. I dont want to do it anymore, because I am a spoilt brat.

Might attempt Fewston on Friday, I think. Oh God, I need to get Nicola a birthday present. Her birthday is Saturday. And arrange to do something with her. What to get her?

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.