Saturday 3 January 2009


So, there's me, all smug... been running, went up and rode (went to bottom yard, was intimidated, rode like shit) and ate 3 pink & whites and 3 plums for lunch. Then I got home and I was crosscrosscross so I opened the chocolate tin (1 pack maltesers, 1 ripple, loads of coins, some random chocolate) and I've had a sandwich too. With salami and cheese in it. Tea is spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread. I'm so stupid. Although, at least I went running. I wasn't going to.

stupid stupid stupid


yeah, check me out, guess who's been running ALREADY this morning? 2 miles, 22 minutes :acclaim: and I walked most of the way back up the's uphill and at the end and i havent run outside since the 2nd November, according to my nike+. I'm happy with that, really, I am.

There's a thing on the Nike+ site that lets you add 2009 training resolutions. I put that I wanted to run 20miles in January, before realising that my Nike+ is woefully out of sync - it said todays run was a mile, yet the mapmyrun site & the Nike map both tell me it's 2 miles. I think I might change it to 10miles, but I do know that I'll actually have done 20. Make sense?

I want to eat now though :( and there's still chocolate everywhere. In fact, I'm STARVING. No, I'm not. I'm so pleased I went, there was no one about and I havent run for ages outside and I DO enjoy it, despite the bitching I do. Just wish sometimes I had someone to run with.

Can't decide what to do with Stinks today. Don't really want to go to the bottom yard, but she does hate the top yard school (damp, deep and loose in places, but it is rideable on). Still, it's frozen in town so hopefully it might be frozen up there too. Will be cold anyway, she has 2 rugs on again. Metcheck says its going to get down to -11 on Thursday :cold: I'll run out of rugs!!

Thursday 1 January 2009

So much for my plans...

Plan 1: Not panic re last nights discovery. Not working. Randomly :bawling: when I'm on my own.

Plan 2: Only eat between 2 & 4pm (obviously not solidly...) and after 7pm. Well that was buggered from the start when Chris announced we were having lunch at his mothers (at half 12) plus the box of Celebrations was open....They were started around half 8. *sigh* FatFighters curry for tea tomorrow AND I'll start counting again. Honest. Will ride in the morning - trying to decide where, my arena or the bottom yard - and then gym in the evening. I WILL.

Plan 3. Learn to ride. Apparently I have sat on a horse before. You wouldnt have thought it if you'd seen me ride today. FatHorse wasn't overly obliging, to be fair, but still. She does NOT like that surface though. It's not really deep, but it is loose in the corners.

Plan 4. Go running. This I did not do. I did do some sorting in the bedroom though. Should have gone running instead.

Wednesday 31 December 2008


Chris has found a Lump.

I'm so fucking frightened it's unreal. He's going to the doctors on Friday.

Tuesday 30 December 2008

I'm scared of failure, so scared of success...


I'm terrified of not making it to vaguely where I want to be - I'm under no illusion that I'll look how I want to look, too saggy, stretchy marky and scarred for that now, but 'vaguely there' will cut it. I want it so badly. BUT it seems that I'm scared of actually making it too - why else would I eat so much rubbish and NOT gym when I could have done... I feel rubbish [manflu] but I could still stand to have done SOMETHING. Urgh. I have put on a shameful amount and I can SEE the new fat wobbling under my skin. Hateful.

I MUST be better.

Work was rubbish. Very quiet. Stu went home early.

New year, MUST get to 10 stone by this time next year. Finally then I will be happy, because I will no longer be the fattest in photos and at 10stone, despite what I look like, I know I'll be able to ride pretty much any horse (ie, it can carry me, not that I'll magically be able to ride). I'll be fitter, therefore I will ride better, I'll run further and faster and everything will be better. If I'm still *here* this time next year I'll be very upset indeed.

Must find more things to ebay. Credit card shooting up again. Not helped by buying an (unneeded :rolleyes: ) hoody from the Joules sale, especially as I intend it won't fit me for long, plus my dentistry starts again in a couple of weeks.

Blah. PLEASE motivate me for weightloss now.

Sunday 28 December 2008


Shitheady little horse. She was a total pain in the arse today and I nearly fell off twice before I even got to the arena. Then she took exception to a plane landing and contorted herself into all sorts of shapes, at speed. However, I did not fall off. I did not look calm and elegant, but I did not fall off.

Diet was doing fine right up until 2pm when I started eating. What was meant to be a fruit corner & cereal lunch because a fruit corner, cereal and half a box of Celebrations. Now I'm home I've just had tea and I'm going through a tin of Roses at am impressive rate of knots. It's no surprising I've put on so much weight :(

Was going to go for a run this evening, but went to see IdiotHorse and got cold, so came home to a bath and Roses instead. Feel good, but it's not so good on the weightloss front.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.