Saturday 9 February 2008

Feeling Virtuous

And also poor...

Took the car down this morning to get the exhaust fixed. They werent quite ready to start it when I took it, so as I had my gym kit in the boot I went to the gym and just did my cardio program. So tomorrow can be a Nell day.

So virtuous - gym, yay me, as i wasnt planning on going, but poor....Car cost #176.

N is back. Going to see her and B tomorrow. I wonder if she is still self-diagnosed depressed? It is such hard work when she is like this as she expects (and demands) all the answers NOW to stuff no one else could ever possibly know, and then gets in an arse when either what you've said never pans out/she doesnt like it.

I really must motivate myself to get this house clean. So far I've washed up and thats it. Everywhere is such a state.

Friday 8 February 2008

weigh in....

I'm in the 15's!! I'm not getting over excited because a) I'm hardly convincingly in there, b) I've just eaten an OH pizza and c) I'm 4.5points over today.

I'm quite cross with myself because c) was my own fault. OH had left his lunch at work and I couldnt help myself and ate half his sandwich.... which was 4.5points for that half :S Still the pizza was amazing as always and...I'm in the 15's!

My aim of being 15.7 by Feb 26th seems a little far fetched though.

I thought I would feel so thin when I got to the 15's but I really dont.... 14's seems a much better number....13's even better etc.

My teeth are in dire need of being sorted now. I really must make a concerted effort now to save and get my broken tooth fixed (18months now it's been broken) and get the rest of them sorted and get me on DenPlan or similar. Plus I need to save for my divorce.

My bonus was paid today....yay!! But the exhaust on my car has fallen off, so guess where that's going. *sigh* I was so positive about money too, not so long ago.

I'm going to have put on so much tomorrow. Almost tempted not to look. Must gym. Or potentially a Nell DVD.

Wednesday 6 February 2008


Uuuurrrrgghhhh My tummy aches already. Doesnt really feel like we did much tbh, but I ache already. Managed plank for 1m13s - a personal best! Also increased the x-trainer to level 10.

cannot WAIT until payday.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

so tired

Went to gym tonight and did my full program. Am knackered!! Not a chance in hell of running, was an effort to stay on the treadmill just walking. Didnt get any of the rower metres under a minute. I did, however, manage to plank for a whole minute and have increased the cross trainer to level 8. It's all good, right?

Pancakes for tea - I cant have pointed right, I still have 1.5points left and had 4 pancakes.... 2 with ham & mozzerella (mmmm), 1 with chocolate spread and marshmallows and one with lemon juice & sweetener.

Dont think laxatives worked. Well. They probably have. I am Fat Bloater-4 poo's today and am HIGHLY windy this evening.

Must motivate myself and go to bed. Am in grave danger of falling asleep here. This YouTube obsession is Very Bad.

Monday 4 February 2008

Woe is Me

*sigh* How do I get this pound off? I'm still just teetering on 16stone and it's starting to piss me off.

Without getting too graphic, I constantly feel like I need a Very Big Poo so OH has trundled out to Tesco and is getting me some laxatives. Must gym tomorrow. I did plan on going today, but I felt so shit at lunch time - blurry eyes, swaying, slurred speech, I really thought I was going to have a migraine. Typically I am fine now and itchy cos I havent done much today.

Not much else to blog really. A friend and I are considering doing the BHF Leeds-Skipton walk (the whole thing!!) but that isnt till September - she should have been her GW for months and I should just about be getting there. Race for Life is applied for etc, just waiting for my pack now. Different Friend still hasnt applied which has pissed me off - I really dont want to do it on my own.

Hope OH comes back soon. How long do they take to work? Hours? Minutes? I'm going to need my Big Poo at work, or at the gym, arent I? :(

Sunday 3 February 2008

Another Tantrum brewing...

Well, after the excitement of the other day of FINALLY being in the 15's, I dont think I'll make it under 16stone this week - Not unless I have a rice cake for tea on thursday night anyway.

Gym again today, was quite busy so I didnt do any running. Did do full program though. Can't decide whether to do cardio and core tomorrow or have a night off. Hmmm, decisions decisions.

Still loving YouTube and Facebook. Is it wrong to have such obsessions?

Work might be awkward tomorrow, one of the managers wants to sue for loss of earnings from yesterday :S Was busy today though.

Pancake day on Tuesday, another reason why my diet might be buggered. Lambstew & pudding again tomorrow, pancakes Tuesday, Omelette on Wednesday...what to have Thursday? A rice cake is looking an attractive option.

I'm so tired and not really done anything. treadmill was hard work today, maybe just as well I didnt run.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.