Sunday 1 April 2007


Very tired, and fairly upset. Since the bike broke I have put on weight (although watch me be shocked on wednesday when it miraculously disappears...), AND...this is so pathetic :rolleyes:

I REALLY WANT A PUPPY. I can't have one and I getting, actually, really depressed about it. I can't even summon up the enthusiasm to help someone at work with their puppy buying which is bad, considering I work in a pet shop. Oh well.

Food: Salad (ham, mozzerella, salad cream), 1 caramel egg (bad OH), roast beef, mashed potatoes, yorkshire puddings, carrots, green beans, mint sauce and gravy.

Exercise: 66 or maybe 68 (I say 66, OH says 68) lengths of the pool, 180 sit ups, 10 mins rowing, 40 reps each minute (done in 2 blocks).

Edit: :bawling: Yes, I am well aware I have just eaten a big tea, BUT, since last Wednesday, I have put on half a stone. Just from not biking :bawling:

I feel sick.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.