Friday 9 March 2007

Stoned Kitten

The cat is as high as a kite on catnip :heehee: Poor bugger has just fallen off the chair cos he's been rolling about on my work top which has been sprayed with the stuff.

I've been a Bad Girl today, I am yet to do any calories (6.50pm) and I have eaten: large salad (ham/mozzerella/salad cream), french fries, lasagne, garlic bread, salad and salad cream, half a bottle pink wine and a twix top. Oops. Still, if thats whats termed as falling off the wagon now, then pfffft. I could have eaten ten times that :nod:

I'm quite pissed, maybe I drank too quick...

Seems my exhusband has a new peice. I'm pleased for him, I really am. He irritated the hell out of me, but hopefully he's changed enough to become a nicer person to someone else. Just hope I have the spare money to afford the divorce....only 9 months to wait before it can be applied for...

Talking of 9 months.... I dreamt I was pregnant last night :unsure: and that was why I couldnt lose weight - cos I had a BabyBelly. Was very odd, I had pregnancy pains and everything. Thankfully an impossibility, but still!

Very tired, can't really be arsed to do the calories but must...!

ETA: 9.50pm. 600calories down.... I doubt very much I shall do the full 1000c.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.