Thursday 18 January 2007

still being a brat

Another day, another foul mood.

Caught 2 members of staff, who having had a verbal warning yesterday, having a biscuit eating contest :banghead: I need to learn to be more assertive, fast!!

Eating wise : 3 cups of tea, tub of blueberries and raspberries mixed, porridge, salt and vinegar french fries, 1 chocolate biscuit, half a sausage sandwich and beef stew (beef, lentily stuff, 3 homemade dumplings, brocolli and carrots in it) for tea.

Very nasty weather - road to work was allegedly shut due to floods - we had 77 customers in ALL DAY.

Something else I wanted to blog, but cant remember what it was. Have done my 800calories on the bike, contemplating doing another 200, but I'll get cross now if I dont manage 1000 any other day.....BUT if I only do 800 today, I might get bored and only do 600 tomorrow. This is where my self discipline really has to kick in. Pedometre said 241 calories by the time I finished work - bollocks cos I have done very little today. I must have managed to change my weight or something.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.