Wednesday 29 October 2008


I really need to develop some good ones. The past 3/4 months I've just been surfing along in my own little world, complaining about this that and the other and not actually doing anything proactive to change anything.


This morning I decided I'm not going to go to FatClub anymore. It makes me feel about an inch high that someone from the gym weighs me. I never stay for the meetings so I'm not actually getting any benefit from it. So I'm going back to doing it online and I must start USING the message boards again. Plus it's going to be cheaper. Hardly noticable, but cheaper nevertheless. My new weigh in day will be Friday mornings.

Work...well. I'm going to make more of an effort to get out of the office - stay in there till after lunches then go into the shop. This will help me get more organised with my time for when I really am on my own and no one's going to be looking at my screen when they walk in to see if I'm on Facebook or working. Plus the shop is looking a bit of a shit tip just lately. Friday I'm going to do AMTRA stuff with Dan as well. He needs his arse kicking in general. So that'll stop me stagnating in the shop anyway.

Horse...Hmm. Well. Today I intended to get up early and go out for a hack. I havent. I frightened myself tbh the other week when I came back along Yorkgate at the time I did. The arena is frozen solid and the field won't be much better. I think the best thing to do will be to find a proper yard where I can hack out with people on my days off and there be a better maintained arena... I'm half thinking about going back to the Grange. I know I said I never would, but..I bet for £40 a week I could have her brought in on a night and it actually be done. I keep hearing about places getting broken into as well, while people are there, and I just feel a bit vulnerable up there on a morning.

Thinking lots. Been a twat.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.