Wednesday 20 June 2007

slowly going down....

So much for my aim of losing 3lbs a week! So far I've lost 2lbs in 2weeks. Still, at least it's going down. Must stay positive.

Huge thunder and lightning at 3am, so was awake for an hour or so. Was right overhead for ages. NeedyKitten was astounded.


Started the discussions...seems new website isnt being launched till March which reassures me slightly. What with owners announcements that M2, M3 and me had till August to impress him, I was getting a little worried that he would be expecting something by September at the latest. Thankfully I was wrong! Also need to come up with a name. This has also shocked me - rather assumed it would just be 'FatBloaters Work Websites Online Shop'....

Felt really shit just after lunch. Speech went...odd...eyesight blurred and I started to shake. Didnt feel right all afternoon really but by 5pm-ish I felt ok. Havent gone swimming. Not only was OH preturbed by shakey fit, there is also the bike race in the town, so hell on earth to get through. Plus the alarm wouldnt set (great - the first time I ever set it, it shags up) so we didnt get home till 7.30pm. D thinks its cos I havent had a day off for ages. He could be right. Was quite shocked though to notice that I only have 2 more days until my weekend off. Feels like forever.

I feel a bit crap now, tbh, but think its cos I'm just podged. Hope it thunders again...Just not enough to wake me up this time. In fact, I hope it thunders while we're at work tomorrow.

Nan seems better, should be out of hospital on Friday.

Food: homemade garlic bread, pasta, carbonara sauce, 1 almond croissant, 1 plain croissant, 1 ham & pie d'angloys ciabatta, salad (ham/salad cream/mozzerella), French Fries (6 precious calories less than Quavers!) and a packet maltesers, half bottle Echo Falls.

Exercise: Nothing :S

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.