Tuesday 6 February 2007


Its ok, I'm not ACTUALLY asking for advice or anything.

Still got another 350 calories to do on the bike, will do in a sec. Work, bit crap. SC phoned in sick - but isnt it highly convenient she is also moving tomorrow. Not gone unnoticed and will be questioned on it on Thursday and asked to produce a Drs note (reckons she went this morning).

I appear to be oversensitive and thin skinned. Apparently my 'narky' reply to a question has been overlooked and ppl carrying on as they did before. But. One more comment and I swear to Heat Magazine that I will swing for her. Honest, I will.

Other news - apparently I shall definately get my money on Thursday from N :thud: Wonder if she will give me what she actually owes me, or what she conveniently remembers she owes me.

Food: Salad (rocket, egg mayonnaise, ham, mozzerella, tomatoes, spring onions), French Fries, flapjack, some smarties & some maltesers (shared, didnt count them....), lasagne, lettuce leaves, salad cream & 8 dough balls. 1.5 glasses of wine.

Weigh day tomorrow. I'm not hopeful. Especially as..... :deepbreath: Me and OH weren't exactly careful with the old condoms when I was on antibiotics. I am feeling sick on a morning, and am a day late. To say I am panicking is an understatement. I am very broody atm which doesnt help, but Right Now would very definately be the Wrong Time - what with everything going on at work, I want to be established within the potential new role before I take anytime off, the extra money can go towards paying off my car(s) and saving for The Future. Plus it kind of puts paid to any weight loss plans, doesnt it, really? I think I've pickled it anyway these past 2 days if I am.

I want a baby, badly, just not now..... I think I need to buy a test tomorrow.

OH just told me I eat to much to lose weight. Don't *think* I need buy a test tomorrow *crossfingers*

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.