Thursday 25 January 2007

Jealousy is such an ugly emotion

I can't help it, I really can't. I assume every girl OH looks at, he's sizing up for Potential New Girlfriend Material, which means I feel like shit and get in a grump, so OH does too, so we're both in an arse with each other and neither of us will unbend. I can see us splitting up over it, but I can't help myself. I can't be happy for friends or family who have acheived anything fantastic, I just say well done and quietly seethe it isnt me, despite not doing anything to make it happen for myself.

I am jealous of people with money, people who are confident within themselves, people who seem to drift through life with no worries or problems at all.

Major changes may be happening at work. Owner of shop not happy with Big Manager so AM and MM having meeting with him a week on Monday. :crossfingers: my job title/pay gets bumped up a bit. SillyCow (SC) and StupidBoy (SB) working tomorrow. Might be horribly mean, might ignore pair of them and do all the fricking work myself.

Food wise, not good. Not Horribly Bad, but not angelic, like I'd hoped. 1000 calories on bike though.

1 salad I made myself - lettuce, rocket, cherry tomatoes, spring onion, ham, mozzerella, boiled egg white (yolk didnt cook properly) and salad cream. 1 kiwi fruit, 1 packet french fries. So far so good. THEN 5 Minstrals, half a bacon & cheese panini, half a satsuma, some of those rice cracker things, 4 Lindt chocolates, same tea as yesterday, 5 cups of tea, 3 Roses chocolates.

Had put 2lbs on this morning, so expecting more tomorrow :(

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.