Thursday 11 September 2008

Been a while....

And not much new to report, as ever.

MUST get back on the wagon with food and exercise, I've let myself become lazy and undisciplined this last week. I have homework from the gym - because I won't do it AT the gym, it's embarrasing - but I did it tonight... Turns out I HATE squat thrusts. They HURT. Only managed half the time I was meant to. And I fell over doing the side planks. Amused Chris by using the cat as a weight for the twistyturny stuff, but she objected so used 2 bottles of vodka instead.

Have moved FatHorses FatCamp, onto the hilly bit next to the arena, so hopefully it wont get so wet/cut up and she can stay out for longer and I wont have to worry about her paws. I'm still undecided about what to do about yards. Technically I have to go up twice a day anyway, but the arena has mostly washed away and what's left is still flooded. Plus there's no indoor lights to muck out in (headtorch needed maybe). I dont know, I really dont. I know I'm better off than some people, but I have been so spoilt by other yards I've been on.

Went shopping today in Hgate. Chris was adament we were buying matching winter jackets, but I managed to customise mine and it ended up being cheaper than his (ha!), so I got some clever thing that can be about a billion different things, but I'm just going to use it as a hat, and hope it doesnt make me itch. Also got some sunglasses (Bloc) and a big handbag which can be used for my hand luggage on the flight :biggrin: Oh and La Senza pants. I've just looked on the site and apparently I fit into their bras. Hmmm....

I'm sure there was something huge I meant to blog about tonight, but buggered if I can remember what the hell it was.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.