Saturday 20 September 2008


Dont know why but moving is an effort this morning. Knee is still sore and leaking mank which isnt helping.

Rode the FatHorse last night, she was a good girl and poo picked her field. Will finish it off later today. Also had an emergency eyebrow wax last night lol. Can't decide whether I want to ride or not - was meant to be going for a walk-only hack with Sue but she's bailed out on me (not entirely unexpected), and now the thought of schooling makes me want to poke my eyes out and can't really be arsed with hacking on my own. But then, I want to ride before I go away, although I suppose I can Monday at some point and Tuesday morning.

Having my hair done this afternoon, very exciting. Going to GLEE tomorrow, can't really be arsed but never mind. I'm going to go uber early, aim to get there for when it opens and then be done and home by 6pm. Aims and all that. Never driven to Brum before, bit nervous lol.

I'm going to be ill for Iceland, I know it. My head is fuzzy.

Have packed most of the stuff I'm taking. Thought 20kgs would be hard to keep within, but :touchwood: i seem to have kept it under.

As for dieting, exercise etc.... Since I fell over (I;m still so embarrassed) I had 2 rubbish gym sessions, Wednesday I should just not have bothered going. Food has been eaten, a lot of it as well. Yesterdays gym wasnt so bad, could be better but I say that every time and never push myself hard enough. I should really go today or for a run, but as with riding I can't pull myself together enough to go. I've got so lazy :( but I know if I go and dont do it any quicker/better than any previous runs I'll be rubbish. Tomorrow I wont get to go to the gym although depending on when I get back, I might go for a run. I can gym monday and tuesday hopefully.

I cant remember if I put that those bras I got from La Senza on tinterweb didnt fit - I took them back yesterday and was going to get more bras to replace them. Nothing fit :bawling: The only ones that vaguely fit (cupsize) were way too big in the back. I'd forgotten the card I'd paid for them on, so now I have #40 vouchers which i can only spend on pants cos nothing else fits me.

Shockingly this hasnt increased the self loathing, just means I can't stop eating. PLEASE kick back in soon, I'm putting weight on like you would not believe.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.