Thursday 28 August 2008

I'm so ashamed of myself

In so many ways.

Riding this morning... I was tired and rode badly and she just took advantage or I caused her to do it, I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, I inexcusably lost my temper. I fel so awful now :( Ended up giving up any idea of schooling and put the jump up (it was that sort of day - only went up to about 1ft6, if that) and we did that a ew times. Poor pony :( Wish I had the money for regular lessons. I emailed someone today but she's yet to get back to me. Think she'll be too far away though.

Work was rubbish, banking didnt work (I was doing creative-sums), people would ask me questions and I'd totally forget how to SPEAK let alone answer them, Dan fucked me off, he really is a lazy shit (although I can't talk today) and I ended up spending the day surfing t'net and doing fuck all.

Went up to the yard and had to have my picture taken for this jumpathon thing - I look hidious, I'm easily as wide as Steph and Sue put together :(

Went to the gym after, had to put the incline down on the treadmill, to 3 :blush: awful, but did 40seconds on the rower. Cross trainer was ok. Intended to do a mile on the treadmill again when I finished on x trainer, but did 2 minutes and gave up out of pure laziness. I could have done it.

Then I've come home (chris is out), and instead of reheating my vegetables, I've made myself 1 marmite & banana sandwich, 2 slices of toast and honey and had a pack of pink & whites. This is in addition to the toast, cake and biscuits I had at work :'(. I'm am so STUPID, it's no wonder I'm so fat still.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.