Saturday, 17 January 2009

Instead of just SAYING it....

I should actually DO it.

I WILL stop eating rubbish. I WILL do more exercise. I WILL lose weight.

Starts tonight, obviously, having had 2 ham & cheese sandwiches for lunch and the remains of a packet of hobnobs (non-chocolatey, I checked the calories yesterday, the choc adds another 40calories per biscuit). It's vegetables for tea though, so not a total disaster. Hmmm. Was 14.11 on Monday, am tempted to get on scales tonight/tomorrow for a sneaky peak but I must be good and not look till Monday. Hmm. I'll try. I havent been to the gym today (I was going to write yet at the end of that, but I've just realised it shuts in 35minutes), but I MIGHT go for a run after dark. Possibly.

Have ridden today though, she was mostly good although I utterly misjudged the weather. Assumed as it started off grotty it would stay grotty, but noooo, it pissed it down while I was riding and Stinks was a bit numb (cobs don't do working in rain...) and was windy but as we were in the bottom school it wasnt that bad. Finished and it's been a lovely day since then - I've even put her washing out on the line. Saw the dentists girlfriend and as she's been told she can't ride for another 3 months I've offered Stinks to her if she wants to ride at all. She's said she'll ask if she can have some lessons on her as she's utterly lost her confidence. Said Stinks'd be fine if she stayed in the school. If she does ride her, I hope to god she (stinks) behaves....

Gales forecast for tonight :S is already windy down here, god knows what it will be like at the yard. Gale force already I suspect.Have cleaned my tack today, properly stripped it down etc so itwill be foul for the next few days to grubby it all up again.

TAM has asked if I want to start running with them again on a Monday night. I've said yes. Don't think we're starting this monday though.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.