Saturday, 26 May 2007

Bum :(

Went into Leeds instead of Harrogate this morning after a blissful lie in...think we rolled out of bed about 10ish LOL. First stop was mk1...where the sizes STOP at 16 :bawling: Put me out of the idea of finding any nice clothes after that, so went to Lush to comfort shop, and STILL couldnt cheer myself up :thud: and only spent £13 :thud:

Went into Waterstones too, got myself a couple of books and then cos it was 3-for-2, got OH one too and a bag from somewhere that was closing down, so that can be my sports bag, rather than pinching OHs. Also some magazines from smiths, and that was it, we came away....OH got some tops and some bright-white (hehe) pants from H&M.

On the way home, scooted into town and got things for tonight from Waitrose and then wandered down to the butchers for some ham to take down to mums with us tomorrow.

Now have to summon up the enthusiasm to do hoovering, general tidying and start packing to make sure we have everything...

Food: chunk halloumi, toffee & pecan cookie, strawberry bun, 1 ham & pie d'angloys baguette, chicken breast with mozzerella & bacon, boiled potatoes, green beans, carrots, gravy, cranberry sauce, ben & jerrys ice cream :blush:

Exercise: none

Friday, 25 May 2007


I have really looked forward to this coming week off. Not sure why. Mum has booked me a pedicure and a reflexology session....

Shopping in Harrogate tomorrow, then Sunday there's the Farmers Market, then we're driving down, then I'm off to see Pony! Yay! Monday it's dads birthday, then Tuesday him and OH are off to France for the day and mum and I are having our pedicure. Wednesday we're having this reflexology malarky and then coming home. Thursday I assume will be spent doing Boring Jobs and Friday am back at work and will hopefully find out if Hypothetically Potentially has become a Definate Reality :lol:

Lazy day at work, spent the morning sweeping everywhere, including under the tubs and under the stands. D did W&C, SC did bugger all and LovelyM spent most of his day requesting relationship advice...He needs a boyfriend. Badly!

Was a bit achey this morning, but sweeping worked it off and then I spent the afternoon in the shed, mainly chasing (notso)LovelyM with a pitchfork because he was being spectacularly irritating for the afternoon. Just back from the gym and worked Very Hard. Have a blister from the rower LOL. Just as well have enforced rest!

Food: quavers, salad (ham/cheddar/salad cream), muller light, maltesers, have D's bacon savoury, crunchy nut cornflakes, 1 large baguette with ham & pie d'angloys, 1 bowl Waitrose Gelato Nocciolato....Fucking lovely, although made gym visit pointless! Has dark chocolate in it, which I didnt realise til I'd eaten most of it, so may have a migraine tomorrow. Didn't stop me eating it! And sorry Paul...I didnt leave ANY of my food today, although I did share the quavers & maltesers.

Exercise: 120 situps, gym (increased weights up a 'weight' so now doing 2 sets of 10, put cross trainer on level 6,

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Little Toad...

NeedyKitten that is. Has somehow found his catnip from whereever it was hidden - me and OH both thought it was on the mantlepeice in the living room, but that would involve the cat going in there last night, stealing it, then hiding it ready to spill everywhere this morning.... although knowing him, I wouldnt put it past him lol. The hallway is just a sea of catnip....He will have a shock when I hoover tonight!!

Currently eating a bowl of Crunchy nut cornflakes, very slowly and am enjoying every mouthful :nod: as told to by Paul McKenna. Must listen to that CD tonight, as definately have not woken up full of energy and ready to run 10 miles! I have left some remnants of cornflakes and some milk in the bowl though, just like he told me to...

Only today and tomorrow left at work and then a whole week off (again!) I will have no holiday left soon lol.
Just back from work....Been so proud of myself all day for not being so hungry and was wondering if Paul was helping! No, I just forgot I had eaten those cornflakes :bawling: I did however leave bits of all my food so far today (except the chocolate hobnobs :blush: ).

Went to S' gym this evening. Very different to mine. The cross trainers made my legs ache more for a start! Did a different programme to what I do at Aireborough....5mins on bike to warm up, 15 on x-trainer, then 10 on rower. Then we arsed about on a toning table for a bit, then I did oblique twists (dont have that at mine, although do have one here at home which I forgot about), Pec Flys, adductor and abductor. They HURT!!! Oh, and one for your bum - you lie on front then lift on leg up at a time on this machiney thing. Very odd. Don't feel particularly worked out though, although will regret saying that tomorrow - I can feel it already!

Busybusy at work, SC was irritating, started waffling on about shires 'crap feet' until I got so irritated, I just turned round and said 'Actually SC, thats just bad farriery...' Looked at me as though I'd just kicked a kitten and walked off. Also made lots of unsubtle hints about baths, and walking dogs and making sure they had water. I'm so awful.

Food: 1 bowl crunchy nut cornflakes, porridge, muller light, quavers, 2 hobnobs, 2 rice cakes with laughing cow light cheese, limey chicken, pilau rice, homemade garlic bread

Exercise: Gym

:cuddle: and :goodvibes: for today, E :)

(Just finished tea....didn't leave any of it. Or the rice cakes...)

Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Yay!! Books came!

And am a bit :huh: It seems fairly common sense-y really and all a bit too easy. I stand to be corrected, obviously, but *dunno* it just seems, well, too easy. Maybe the epiphany will come when i listen to the CD.

There's 4 'rules' - only 2 of which I can remember. 1 is eat what you want, when you want. The other I can remember is chew each mouthful slowly and savour each mouthful.

I managed the first of those, but not the second today :blush:

He says dont weigh yourself for 2 weeks :S thats when I tend to give up when I can't see how I'm doing....But suppose it fits in nicely with us being at mum and dads next week. He also suggests making sure you leave SOMETHING each meal...have cheated tonight and left the crusts, which I never eat anyway lol.

Work wasnt too bad. M1 is an utter arse and I can't wait for him to go. OH told me I eat too much and don't do enough exercise to lose weight :( Although the past 2 weeks I would have to agree with him :(

Food: salad (ham/halloumi/salad cream), muller light, quavers, 1 qalaxy cake bar, lots of caramel & choc biscuits, lots of Hobnobs, a packet of maltesers, half a bacon and cheese savory, a big bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes, 1 salami & pie d'angloys sandwich, 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich.

Exercise: 70lengths swimming. Pool was empty! Well, full of women. Their OHs were all obviously watching the football too :rolleyes:

A gaining week :(

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Paul McKenna ('s book) will have his work cut out!

COnvincing me I dont NEED nice things to eat, then getting grumpy when I refuse them (or not, as the case may be, then I get an attack of the guilts).

Amazon emailed me to say my order was dispatched today, so hopefully will get it tomorrow :crossedfingers:

Super-busy at work. M1 came back off holiday and was fine with everyone else but FOUL to me :unsure: *I* didnt contribute to his problems! Asked him to serve, and he shouted back to ask someone else - I shouted back that if anyone else was about to serve, I would! He came out then, but was NOT happy about it.I really wished Owner was there then... I would have loved to have seen his face. I dont care. I only have to put up with it till Friday, then hopefully never again. Stupid arse.

Tomorrow just me and Mr D in the shop.... Got hopper/biscuit kilos/bird kilos/stands to do plus the shop could do with a bloody good tidy up. It's so frustrating with the builders in - everythings had to move for them to be able to work, but its embarrassing when people ask us for stuff and it's either covered in dust or we just plain can't find it.

I am tired today, despite the fact I had a good sleep last night...I'm so pleased everything is resolved, and in the ponys best interests too. I am still going to see her on Sunday afternoon and I cannot WAIT. It's a nice day as well, which has helped my better mood.

Food: 2 packers Quavers, 1 packet maltesers, salad (ham/mozzerella/halloumi/salad cream), muller light, 1 baguette with salami & pie d'angloys, half a pizza (homemade) and half a homemade garlic bread.

Exercise: 5minutes (48.8calories) on bike, 60 sit ups and either 50 lengths in 50 minutes in the pool, or 54 lengths in 50 minutes....I lost count.

(just got on scales....bit of a heads for tomorrow, but HALF A STONE ON! :bawling: )

Monday, 21 May 2007


The Situation is no longer a Situation.

Pony is staying where she is, I am visiting on Sunday, we are pretending the last 2 weeks havent happened. Well, I am :unsure:

Now exhausted.

Utterly Exhausted

Only this time I know why..... Can't sleep for thinking of The Situation. :( Whatever happens it will be wrong. I have emailed a horse transport search thingy who make you fill out a form and then all the different transporters get back in touch with their quotes. Will wait till I have a few, then email V and tell her when we're coming to get Pony/Stuff. Not really sure what to do though tbh.

The options:

1. Offer Pony to V for sale, as long as I get £xxxx by a certain date. This is on the understanding that I will never have any further contact with the horse, as long as I get one last chance to say goodbye. (lets not confuse concern with stalking, hey?)

2. Bring Pony back, turn away on grass livery until back/legs sorted. Ask EH to reschool her/take her to parties, then sell.

3. Bring Pony back, turn away on grass livery until back/legs sorted. Loan to a very local home only.

4. Bring Pony back, discover nothing wrong, sell immediately.

5. Bring Pony back, disover pony knackered, field ornament forever.

Also had a shit day with food. I have no willpower and self control - I think I may be expecting too much of this Paul McKenna book.

Was meant to go for a walk with OH tonight, but OH has cried off cos 'it looks like it might rain', thought about going to the gym with S but she's working and I really need someone with me to motivate me and be competitive with today.

Food: half ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 2 rice cakes with laughing cow light cheese, a twirl (2 fingers), 3/4s packet chocolate hobnobs :blush: salad, quavers, muller light, lamb, boiled potatoes, yorkshire pudding, green beans, carrots, gravy, mint sauce.

Exercise: Nothing.

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Very tired!

And not for any particular reason why. Didnt swim this morning because me and OH just couldnt wake up. Eventually rolled out of bed around 9.20 :shock:

Really must pull finger out and look for yards. I suspect I will end up going back to Original Yard, purely for ease rather than anything else. People I know, a yard layout I know, arenas and hacking I am confident with, if I ever sit on her again. A big shame it appears V & I can't work things out though :( Had got myself all worked up for The Chat tonight, and it looks like she can't get to a computer. Heart skips everytime someone new signs into MSN. I am so pathetic.

Acquired (aka, stole) a petometre from work. I'm sure its quicker to rack up the calories than on my old (human!) one. Maybe a dogs metabolic rate is quicker than a humans, despite the fact I put my weight in? I dont know.

I am so hungry, constantly. Had eaten most of my lunch before we even opened the doors today. Just till Friday to go, then I have a half week off to see my parents, then hopefully The Big News will be common knowledge....If it happens.

Food: 1 salad (chicken/mozzerella/halloumi/cranberry sauce), quavers, twirl (both fingers!), 2 Go Ahead apple bars, muller light, 2 rice cakes with 1 triangle laughing cow light, 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, roast lamb, boiled potatoes, yorkshire pudding, carrots, peas, gravy, mint sauce.

Very yummy. I could eat it all again.

Exercise: Nothing.

Dont know whats wrong with me. No enthusiasm for anything really. Have just bought Paul McKennas book....Hopefully that will kick start everything again. If that works will think about hypnotherapy for confidence etc. I have no idea how I am going to pay for all this though....

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.