My head is ever so sore - I hate having colds.
Biking working though *dancer* Desperate to measure my legs, but dont want to because I'll be very demoralised if no difference.
EDIT: Its taken me 50minutes to do 404.4 calories (not all at once, so including the 200 I did earlier), dunno if thats good or not. Aim is 700, but not sure if I can do it today :blush:
I measured my legs. There *might* be a millimetres difference, but as I've deleted all my measurements, I can't remember :rolleyes:
Hmm, can arse stand up to getting to 500calories before lunch?
Edited again (before lunch) yes it could, kind of :lol: Did 22calories, then somehow managed to press reset :angry: So did another 100 on top of those 22calories because there was no point getting to 78c and stopping, was there? Might as well get to 100 while I was doing it. I did 100c in 11m46s :proud: first time I did got on, it took me 13m45s to do same calories. So just 178 calories left to burn for today. *Should* manage it unless I fall asleep on sofa!
Edited (AGAIN!!) at 2.41pm 700calories :dancer:
THought the bike was going to fall apart at one point though :rolleyes: BUT! Managed it in 11m30s - so faster still! Going to stop for today though otherwise I run risk of bike actually falling apart! Plus I stink now, so need bath fairly urgently. Never going to be able to keep it when I have to work too :lol: although will drop it down to 500calories when I'm at work as usually burn about 200 there.
Food today: bowl porridge, 1 banana, 1 packet walkers cheese...things. 99 calories a bag anyway, so healthier than proper crisps, 2 fig rolls, 1 clementine. Tea is sausages, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots. 1 cup of tea and a haxlenut and pistachio bar. Diet coke too.
Another 100calories done on the bike this evening :blush:
Saturday, 6 January 2007
Friday, 5 January 2007
Feeling Sorry for myself
My sore throat has got worse, lost my voice and was coughing up blood last night :scared: although that seems to have stopped now, thankfully. So I have a day off work, which I'm not entirely enthralled about - there's loads to do. Wonder if girl remembered her bra this morning? She text me earlier to say she had the worst period pains ever and was undecided about what to do. i just sent back that I wasnt going in. Nothings been said, so assume she went in.
I am a little worried about the thyroid thing :unsure: I think I might leave it a while before I go to docs about it (I suspect they will make me be weighed and I might as well be the weight they think I am when I go...) Some of the symptoms sound very familiar, but :dunno: :hypochondriac:
Done another 100calories on the bike this morning, going to go back and do another 100 in a minute. Got on scales this morning and it is working!! I suppose it depends on if I can put up with the sore arse as to whether I carry on :lol:
I've done 500 calories now (Its 12.20pm) :biggrin: Trying to decide what to have for lunch. So many choices - at least when I'm at work, I have to eat what I took!
4 cups of tea, 1 bowl porridge (probs about 250 calories worth of milk), 1 large banana, 1 packet s&v French Fries, so around 663 calories eaten so far, compared with 500 burnt off. :scratchchin: 163 calories should take 2 leisurely viewings of Family Guy to get rid of... Can my arse hold up to it?
5pm - I did it! I did 700 calories over the whole day. :wimp: but also :proud: !! So I have worked off my lunch and will be allowed a hazlenut bar thing later with a cup of tea :nod: round it all up...todays consumption: 4 cups of tea, 1 bowl porridge (probs about 250 calories worth of milk), 1 large banana, 1 packet s&v French Fries, 1 Hazelnut bar, 1 christmas tree chocolate (last one!), pilau rice and Limey Chicken.
Not doing anymore cycling - my arse cant hold up to anymore, but, still, 700 isnt too shabby IMO.
I am a little worried about the thyroid thing :unsure: I think I might leave it a while before I go to docs about it (I suspect they will make me be weighed and I might as well be the weight they think I am when I go...) Some of the symptoms sound very familiar, but :dunno: :hypochondriac:
Done another 100calories on the bike this morning, going to go back and do another 100 in a minute. Got on scales this morning and it is working!! I suppose it depends on if I can put up with the sore arse as to whether I carry on :lol:
I've done 500 calories now (Its 12.20pm) :biggrin: Trying to decide what to have for lunch. So many choices - at least when I'm at work, I have to eat what I took!
4 cups of tea, 1 bowl porridge (probs about 250 calories worth of milk), 1 large banana, 1 packet s&v French Fries, so around 663 calories eaten so far, compared with 500 burnt off. :scratchchin: 163 calories should take 2 leisurely viewings of Family Guy to get rid of... Can my arse hold up to it?
5pm - I did it! I did 700 calories over the whole day. :wimp: but also :proud: !! So I have worked off my lunch and will be allowed a hazlenut bar thing later with a cup of tea :nod: round it all up...todays consumption: 4 cups of tea, 1 bowl porridge (probs about 250 calories worth of milk), 1 large banana, 1 packet s&v French Fries, 1 Hazelnut bar, 1 christmas tree chocolate (last one!), pilau rice and Limey Chicken.
Not doing anymore cycling - my arse cant hold up to anymore, but, still, 700 isnt too shabby IMO.
Thursday, 4 January 2007
Thyroid symptoms
General tiredness
Excessive need of sleep
Increased awareness of the cold
The skin may become dry and thick and feels cold
The hair may begin to thin out become dry and coarse
Unusual loss of body hair – eyebrows may become sparse, and hair on forearms short and stubbly
Flaking, splitting nails
The voice may become hoarse or croaky
Muscle weakness, cramps and aches; difficulty climbing stairs
Sore muscles
Pins and needles in the fingers and hands
In women of reproductive years the periods may become heavier and longer, but sometimes can prematurely stop
Fertility problems – failure to conceive, miscarriage.
Unexplained weight gain
Puffy face and bags under the eyes, change in facial appearance
Slow speech, movements and thoughts
Low mood, depression
Memory problems and lack of concentration
Slow heart beat and slightly raised blood pressure
Increased cholesterol
Hearing problems
Swelling at the front of the neck
Sensation of a lump in the throat
Although rare, in severe cases, unsteadiness on their feet, mental disturbance and even hallucinations may be experienced
Loss of libido / impotency
About 12 apply to me :dunno: :scratchchin:
Excessive need of sleep
Increased awareness of the cold
The skin may become dry and thick and feels cold
The hair may begin to thin out become dry and coarse
Unusual loss of body hair – eyebrows may become sparse, and hair on forearms short and stubbly
Flaking, splitting nails
The voice may become hoarse or croaky
Muscle weakness, cramps and aches; difficulty climbing stairs
Sore muscles
Pins and needles in the fingers and hands
In women of reproductive years the periods may become heavier and longer, but sometimes can prematurely stop
Fertility problems – failure to conceive, miscarriage.
Unexplained weight gain
Puffy face and bags under the eyes, change in facial appearance
Slow speech, movements and thoughts
Low mood, depression
Memory problems and lack of concentration
Slow heart beat and slightly raised blood pressure
Increased cholesterol
Hearing problems
Swelling at the front of the neck
Sensation of a lump in the throat
Although rare, in severe cases, unsteadiness on their feet, mental disturbance and even hallucinations may be experienced
Loss of libido / impotency
About 12 apply to me :dunno: :scratchchin:
'New' bike received today - been on it, works.... :lol: well, I get on, cycle a bit, it tells me how many calories I've burnt (100 in 13.45minutes - is that good or bad? :S ) and it didnt collapse under me, so I'm happy.
Girl at work 'forgot' to wear her bra today. How do you forget something like that? Its not really like she can get away without either..... :ick: Quite cross about it. No ones said anything and normally they would, so maybe they didnt notice? TBH, I didnt REALLY until she said she'd 'forgotten'. Silly bint.
So far eaten today: 1 bowl porridge & full fat blue milk, 1 packet salt & vinegar french fries. Nearly a full packet of lockets!! Tea is more pasta, pork,tomato sauce, peas & cheddar, 1 banana, 1 go ahead hazlenut bar, 2 go ahead fig biscuits. I've worked off the crisps anyway :lol:
OHs surprise is nearly ready - friends OH is doing a cartoon of NeedyKitten. What I've seen so far is amazing :wub: if OH is ungrateful I'll keep it for myself, I love it lol.
Feel quite crap still - my cold hasnt fully gone away at all and sore throat is back. Arse. Havent done a bad thing (;)) since Saturday either :D
Also need a cure for Exercise Bike Bum - badly. Just done 500calories on it, although not all at once (about 200 at a time is my limit atm :$) and OMG, my ARSE. I want to cry.
Hmmmmm. :scratcheschin: A lot is familar, but I've already been checked once and was fine, just depressed ( :rolleyes: )
Girl at work 'forgot' to wear her bra today. How do you forget something like that? Its not really like she can get away without either..... :ick: Quite cross about it. No ones said anything and normally they would, so maybe they didnt notice? TBH, I didnt REALLY until she said she'd 'forgotten'. Silly bint.
So far eaten today: 1 bowl porridge & full fat blue milk, 1 packet salt & vinegar french fries. Nearly a full packet of lockets!! Tea is more pasta, pork,tomato sauce, peas & cheddar, 1 banana, 1 go ahead hazlenut bar, 2 go ahead fig biscuits. I've worked off the crisps anyway :lol:
OHs surprise is nearly ready - friends OH is doing a cartoon of NeedyKitten. What I've seen so far is amazing :wub: if OH is ungrateful I'll keep it for myself, I love it lol.
Feel quite crap still - my cold hasnt fully gone away at all and sore throat is back. Arse. Havent done a bad thing (;)) since Saturday either :D
Also need a cure for Exercise Bike Bum - badly. Just done 500calories on it, although not all at once (about 200 at a time is my limit atm :$) and OMG, my ARSE. I want to cry.
Hmmmmm. :scratcheschin: A lot is familar, but I've already been checked once and was fine, just depressed ( :rolleyes: )
Wednesday, 3 January 2007
Cor blimey
Hadn't I got myself into a tizz this morning? :rolleyes:
Anyway, slightly calmer now, still in a bit of an arse, but....Positive thinking, I'm off to the argos catalogue to find me a cheap exercise bike. I am trying hard not to think of the resulting increase in debt. Ha.
So far eaten:
1 crumpet (ooh, I do like a bit of crumpet, hohoho)
1 cheesey doritoes sandwich (last one - finished pack today)
pint lemonade
2 slices toast
scrambled legs :yum:
4 large toblerone triangles.
1 peice marzipan
Tea is pork in tomato sauce. I am hoping with mozzerella too.
I just bought a bike, and already it has to go back. Got it out of box and it was all cracked. Arse.
Another edit - I have decided I want to be at least half a stone lighter by January. That is my first aim. Obviously I'll not be upset if its more, but there will be serious tantrums if its less. Another aim is to do at least half an hour on the bike (when I eventually get it....), if not an hour. I like the idea of exercising while watching telly. Had tantrum at OH earlier when he told me to go for a walk. 'Ragghhhh!!! Its cold, its windy, its raining, walking is boring, theres no POINT to walking unless you have a dog or a purpose (such as to go buy a new pair of shoes) to go walking FOR!!' As I had this tantrum in the middle of a busy street, he shut up and let me buy the bike. Most unlike me though to have public drama queen tendancies. Huh.
More musings on the horse situation. I've now decided when I've lost weight, then I might fancy sharing instead. By this time next week I'll have talked myself back into buying another horse.
Another edit:
Where can I expect the exercise bike to help shift the weight? Just thighs or hips too? :crossfingers: Just measured myself using Depressingly large and dont fit into Bravissimo bras. :sigh:
Anyway, slightly calmer now, still in a bit of an arse, but....Positive thinking, I'm off to the argos catalogue to find me a cheap exercise bike. I am trying hard not to think of the resulting increase in debt. Ha.
So far eaten:
1 crumpet (ooh, I do like a bit of crumpet, hohoho)
1 cheesey doritoes sandwich (last one - finished pack today)
pint lemonade
2 slices toast
scrambled legs :yum:
4 large toblerone triangles.
1 peice marzipan
Tea is pork in tomato sauce. I am hoping with mozzerella too.
I just bought a bike, and already it has to go back. Got it out of box and it was all cracked. Arse.
Another edit - I have decided I want to be at least half a stone lighter by January. That is my first aim. Obviously I'll not be upset if its more, but there will be serious tantrums if its less. Another aim is to do at least half an hour on the bike (when I eventually get it....), if not an hour. I like the idea of exercising while watching telly. Had tantrum at OH earlier when he told me to go for a walk. 'Ragghhhh!!! Its cold, its windy, its raining, walking is boring, theres no POINT to walking unless you have a dog or a purpose (such as to go buy a new pair of shoes) to go walking FOR!!' As I had this tantrum in the middle of a busy street, he shut up and let me buy the bike. Most unlike me though to have public drama queen tendancies. Huh.
More musings on the horse situation. I've now decided when I've lost weight, then I might fancy sharing instead. By this time next week I'll have talked myself back into buying another horse.
Another edit:
Where can I expect the exercise bike to help shift the weight? Just thighs or hips too? :crossfingers: Just measured myself using Depressingly large and dont fit into Bravissimo bras. :sigh:
Dunno whats up with me
Just meh, can't sleep, have deleted measurements cos they just depress me. :rolleyes: Will weigh myself tomorrow and that can start the weekly weigh in again.
I'm brewing up to have a big tantrum about SOMETHING :dunno: why or what.
Part jealousy, part 'I have no money-ness', part OH giving 'wrong answers' to questions, part 'woe is me-ness'.
Mostly jealousy though :rollseyes:
I must remember point 3 of my aims this year - I want to be a nicer person.
I am nice, I am nice, I am nice, I am nice, I am nice......
(ETA: someone has just left an ad for money (dollars, thanks, but no use in UK) to spend in Abercrombie and Fitch. Do I sound like I fit in those clothes? Sorry to be ungrateful and all -its the mood I'm in- but please dont spam me :tantrum: Although its nice to feel popular.)
I'm brewing up to have a big tantrum about SOMETHING :dunno: why or what.
Part jealousy, part 'I have no money-ness', part OH giving 'wrong answers' to questions, part 'woe is me-ness'.
Mostly jealousy though :rollseyes:
I must remember point 3 of my aims this year - I want to be a nicer person.
I am nice, I am nice, I am nice, I am nice, I am nice......
(ETA: someone has just left an ad for money (dollars, thanks, but no use in UK) to spend in Abercrombie and Fitch. Do I sound like I fit in those clothes? Sorry to be ungrateful and all -its the mood I'm in- but please dont spam me :tantrum: Although its nice to feel popular.)
Tuesday, 2 January 2007
Right. This is it.
Diet starts again, for real, tomorrow morning. Honest.
Today: 2 bits marzipan, 1 cheesy doritoes sandwich, 1 strawberry tart, 2 ham & p.d'a sandwiches 1 packet cheese and onion french fries, 1 strawberry bar, lamb, chips, 2 yorkshire puddings, peas, mint jelly and lindt chocolates.
I disgust myself. Christmas and New Year are now over.
I have had a big tantrum today about the state of the house and have left OH reading the Ikea catalogue. I have also decided that when I reach a weight I am happy with, I am going to ring round some riding schools and book some lessons.
Although. Do I want to? Really? My old horse saved my sanity while I had her, she really did, then I found OH and didnt/dont really 'need' her anymore. I make jokes about when i get the money from having sold her, that she will be turned into a new kitchen or somesuch, rather than another horse, and everyone takes it as a joke, but really, I dont think I AM joking.
I think I am really a lazy fair weather rider, in that I dont mind riding as long as I dont have to do all the faffy work before hand - I always forgot to check legs properly which is the main reason the horse used to get mud fever so 'quickly' I hadnt looked for it, so hadnt seen it. :( But, if I have lessons, my confidence levels will soar again, I will ride better, but....can I still really be arsed with the hassle of having a horse again? And I do see it as a hassle now. I love being able to come straight home after work, not getting involved with yard politics and being in a warm dry house on shitty days. I love having money - despite being in bigger mountains of debt, I am probably better off now that I was when I had the horse lol.
Apart from anything else, as my mother helpfully pointed out when I split up with my husband, I'm NOT getting any younger, while I dont particularly like other peoples children, my little clock IS ticking a bit louder....Then there's the house - it needs a lot of work doing on it, OH is on about buying another house to rent out, and...I dont know if I would have the spare money for another horse. And, at the moment, tbh, I'm not that fussed - my kids can have a pony.
Huh. Dont know where all that came from.
Anyway, let the diet commence!
Today: 2 bits marzipan, 1 cheesy doritoes sandwich, 1 strawberry tart, 2 ham & p.d'a sandwiches 1 packet cheese and onion french fries, 1 strawberry bar, lamb, chips, 2 yorkshire puddings, peas, mint jelly and lindt chocolates.
I disgust myself. Christmas and New Year are now over.
I have had a big tantrum today about the state of the house and have left OH reading the Ikea catalogue. I have also decided that when I reach a weight I am happy with, I am going to ring round some riding schools and book some lessons.
Although. Do I want to? Really? My old horse saved my sanity while I had her, she really did, then I found OH and didnt/dont really 'need' her anymore. I make jokes about when i get the money from having sold her, that she will be turned into a new kitchen or somesuch, rather than another horse, and everyone takes it as a joke, but really, I dont think I AM joking.
I think I am really a lazy fair weather rider, in that I dont mind riding as long as I dont have to do all the faffy work before hand - I always forgot to check legs properly which is the main reason the horse used to get mud fever so 'quickly' I hadnt looked for it, so hadnt seen it. :( But, if I have lessons, my confidence levels will soar again, I will ride better, but....can I still really be arsed with the hassle of having a horse again? And I do see it as a hassle now. I love being able to come straight home after work, not getting involved with yard politics and being in a warm dry house on shitty days. I love having money - despite being in bigger mountains of debt, I am probably better off now that I was when I had the horse lol.
Apart from anything else, as my mother helpfully pointed out when I split up with my husband, I'm NOT getting any younger, while I dont particularly like other peoples children, my little clock IS ticking a bit louder....Then there's the house - it needs a lot of work doing on it, OH is on about buying another house to rent out, and...I dont know if I would have the spare money for another horse. And, at the moment, tbh, I'm not that fussed - my kids can have a pony.
Huh. Dont know where all that came from.
Anyway, let the diet commence!
Monday, 1 January 2007
Happy New Year
Meh. Not hungover though, so small mercies. I am, however, turning into my mother. I have spent the day Tidying and Sorting, including the airing cupboard, IRONED stuff and put it back away, neatly and in a specific ORDER. There must be something wrong with me.
I am not making resolutions this year, but I AM making aims.
1, the ubequitous 'lose weight'
2, get out of debt (ha)
3, be a nicer person
I will break all of them by the end of today :rolleyes:
anyway, today: 1 crumpet, 1 brioche, last bit of stollen, chocolates, 5 biscuits (chocolate), ham and p.d'a cheese sandwich, tea will be roast lamb and vegetables.
Like I said, I do want to lose weight.
I am not making resolutions this year, but I AM making aims.
1, the ubequitous 'lose weight'
2, get out of debt (ha)
3, be a nicer person
I will break all of them by the end of today :rolleyes:
anyway, today: 1 crumpet, 1 brioche, last bit of stollen, chocolates, 5 biscuits (chocolate), ham and p.d'a cheese sandwich, tea will be roast lamb and vegetables.
Like I said, I do want to lose weight.
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About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.