Saturday, 20 January 2007

:bawling: I hate shopping

Went to FatShop.

I dont fit in their trousers, nor the ones a friend gave me as I have put ON size.

Eaten: 2 x jelly-cherries, 1 bowl of plain yoghurt, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, limey chicken & rice for tea, 2 cups of tea, 2 x croissants with nutella, 1000 calories on the bike.

Friday, 19 January 2007

Bad Food Day

Added to being a spoilt brat and 'everybody hates me' :rolleyes:

I am being horrific to OH, I know I am, but I cant quite stop myself and I hate myself for it.

Food: Half a bacon & mushroom sandwich (white bread), blueberries, porridge, c&o French Fries, 3 cups of tea, 1 french stick sandwich with ham & pie d'angloys and for tea we are having wine, (homemade) pizza and garlic bread.

To counteract this, I have done 1000 calories on the bike and did 130 at work. Pedometre seems fine now, so maybe I was more active than I thought yesterday. Doubtful.

Cross with myself with the sandwiches - as soon as I smelt it at work I HAD to have some, and then tonight, I was so hungry I could have eaten the kitten. Hadnt helped that we went food shopping straight from work.

Thursday, 18 January 2007

still being a brat

Another day, another foul mood.

Caught 2 members of staff, who having had a verbal warning yesterday, having a biscuit eating contest :banghead: I need to learn to be more assertive, fast!!

Eating wise : 3 cups of tea, tub of blueberries and raspberries mixed, porridge, salt and vinegar french fries, 1 chocolate biscuit, half a sausage sandwich and beef stew (beef, lentily stuff, 3 homemade dumplings, brocolli and carrots in it) for tea.

Very nasty weather - road to work was allegedly shut due to floods - we had 77 customers in ALL DAY.

Something else I wanted to blog, but cant remember what it was. Have done my 800calories on the bike, contemplating doing another 200, but I'll get cross now if I dont manage 1000 any other day.....BUT if I only do 800 today, I might get bored and only do 600 tomorrow. This is where my self discipline really has to kick in. Pedometre said 241 calories by the time I finished work - bollocks cos I have done very little today. I must have managed to change my weight or something.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

*spoilt brat moment*

I'm in a foul mood this evening and no idea why. Well, I'm more than slightly pissed off at the pathetic 1lb off this week, but I knew that was coming.

OH has confiscated my scales. I've been fine all day about that, dont think its that.

The big managers told off *my* staff, which technically is my fault as I have been pleading with their better nature to behave and actually work. Clearly they both hate me and I now have to be horrid to them. I can do that. That hasnt pissed me off.

I am tired though - that could be it.

I have done 1000calories on the bike tonight - 400 before work, 600 during this evening. Took me 2hours 20 minutes all told - the most boring 2h20 I think I've ever done and my arse is killing. Needed to though - definately did not do my 100 calories at work, and somehow my pedometre keeps setting itself to zero. Last time I saw it I think it was about 60ish - this was about 4pm though so no chance I did enough to get to 100c before finished work.

I'm also annoyed because something I said about someone (which I was told I would be backed up with :rolleyes: ) -in a public place, no secrets- didnot go down too well with friends. My 'friends' who said they would back me up would apparently rather stick with the group. Oh well. Actually, it probably was that. I've been in an arse since then.

Anyway, food: handful blueberries, handful raspberries, porridge, swiss roll (hence the extra 200c!), cheese & onion French Fries, toad in the hole, brussells, carrots gravy.

One poxy stupid pound. :grumps:

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

I hate days off

If I worked, constantly, with my OT at time & a half - I could be out of debt by November! Some hope.

1 scotch egg, 2 cream & jam biscuits, 1 cup of tea, handful blueberries, handful raspberries, pasta, cheese sauce, chicken breast, peas, sausages, 250ml smoothie (55kcals per 100ml), 3/4's bottle of white wine. OH was meant to be sharing, but obviously I drink quicker :lol:

Managed my 1000calories on the bike today, but my god does my arse hurt now :lol: Wont be able to do it on a work day. Spent the evening in the bath ridding stray hairs before weigh day tomorrow - then promptly heavied-myself back up again by pouring moisturiser into everywhere that had been plucked/shaved. Typical.

My picture came today, I LOVE it. Need to find a nice frame now :lol:

Monday, 15 January 2007


I Am Stuffed - I've just eaten tea.

Did 400calories on the bike before work this morning, still only 100 at work (is my pedometre stuck at 100?! :lol: ) and another 400 this evening. My knees are about to give out :lol:

Not looking good for a weightloss this week :(

4 cups of tea, 1 clementine, 1 banana, 1 bowl porridge, 1 packet french fries, 1 almond raison & cranberry bar, lasagne, lettuce and garlic ciabatta bread. Very yummy, but 284calories a quarter and me and OH split it in half!!

ETA@10.40 - just done another 120 calories on the bike.....

Sunday, 14 January 2007

I've got 21 calories to go, 21 calories to gooooo

Sung in style of craig david :nod: Its amused me so much today that by the time I've stopped singing it, I'm more or less at the 100 mark I aim for.

Just got 100 calories left to do on the bike - managed 100 at work, just!! We're only open for 6 hours on a Sunday opposed to the usual 8.5, so was harder work today.

Served somebody Famous in the shop as well - she was nice :) but vv clueless about what food for her dog :lol:

Food: 1 bowl porridge, 1 satsuma, 1 banana, 1 packet salt & vinegar French Fries. Tea is Lasagne and garlic ciabatta bread & lettuce. 3 cups of tea.

I'm hungry now.

Hmmmm, not hungry now :lol: Very yummy tea, and done my 100 calories on bike. Next week I think I should think about upping it :unsure: as weight has stabalized :cross:

I'm unmotivated again. I've just done another 100 on the bike, so 800calories on bike and 100 at work today.

I better have lost weight in the morning :grumps:

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.