Saturday, 26 January 2008


I'm tired. No gym today, headachey and just meh in general.

Went into Leeds rather than HGate, what a disaster. Nothing fitted, not even a 22 M&S pair of jeans. Well. They went on and did up, but they were too tight to actually wear in public. And the top I tried on (in an attempt to lift my wardrobe of just dark colours) bagged badly at the back.

So I gave up, bought some Soap and Glory (new obsession) miracle creams and a book and came back home.

Why is my motivation slipping? I do wonder if it's the weather and the fact I am sick of winter now - and not even any ponies in sight. But, hmmm, I dont know. I want this so badly but I seem to have been trying for so long now.

I came on today as well (week early, hmm) which wont help. Also wont help in my 'lost 3lbs by monday to keep on track'. Need to lose 2lbs this week just to sts. Damn those baguettes/muffins over Tues & weds. Plus I now have the DEFINATE start of a cold.

IdiotChild has rung in 'sick' again for the weekend. Half hoped we'd see her in town, but nooo. Did hear a band playing live one of TheEx's bands songs today. Nearly had a fit, thought he was there.

Must stop spending money. It's my own fault I'm in so much debt.

I wanted to do an OU business course (I really am finding it hard at work) but it's SO expensive. I've asked the local college for information on any courses they might have instead. Shame because I would have liked a degree. No particular reason, I just want one... Was 1200 though just for the foundation - more again for the diploma and then even more for the actual honours certificate.

Friday, 25 January 2008


OH and I both have a day off tomorrow, but I dont know what to do.

We SHOULD go through our finances and decide how much is left to pay for etc. AFAIK, I SHOULD be debt free by my birthday, although I must make a concerted effort to get my teeth sorted this year too.

What I want to do though, is go into HGate, and Shop. The novelty of being able to shop in at least 2 extra shops (M&S and next) will take a while to wear off. I doubt we wil. In the time I've started this entry, I've stopped and gone to Tesco to do the Friday Big Shop and now we're back I feel utterly drained. Tired and achey. I was almost considering the gym tomorrow, but if I wake feeling like this, I wont bother.

Mattress is still :wub:

So tired. Going to have an evening of Family Guy I think.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

farty....and oh dear...

Oh my....I have horrendous wind. Such a classy girl lol.

CPD wasnt bad, bit boring in places, but the equine worming section was ace. Crap 'substantial buffet' so OH bought me 2 baguettes which i ate on the way home, along with 2 chocolate muffins and some Revels.

0point curry today.

My books arrived today, think I will read Dietgirl for inspiration. Doubt I will make it to 15's :(

OH!!! AND!!! I paid off AND cut up my barclaycard today. Just the car, my hsbc card, mattress, loan and surveying costs to pay back now :unsure:

Hopefully should be out of debt by my birthday. Dependant on a few things. Will have to ask for clothes for my birthday!!

Monday, 21 January 2008


i cant really be arsed to blog.

Allegedly started early so I could go early. I did go early. I went to the gym and just did cardio (too lazy today for resistance too) and just as I came out....The alarm for work was going off. So have spent far too long waiting for a numpty to come out who took far to long to decide to leave it till tomorrow.

Also to make today go oh-so-slowly, the road outside is flooded, so we've had hardly any customers in. For a scary while we thought we might be flooded in, but thankfully not. Did mean though that instead of the 3 minute journey to the gym, it took me 23, and had to go up the bank, down the chevin and round about.

Mattress arrived today, looks FAB. I cannot wait to go to bed.

Thats about it for today. May have scuppered the 'be in the 15's by February' today - am 4 points over already. And CPD tomorrow and pointage then. Sigh.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Still a little bit rahhh!

No idea why. Getting a little bit uptight about the CPD (why? Chances are I wont see anyone anyway) and just rahhh! in general.

Posted on the forum about makeup and either Clinique or Benefit seems to be the choice, although a few people have mentioned Lancombe too. Someone else suggested going to to proper beauty person and getting HER to pick my colours etc. And then there's mineral make up. Where to start? Where do I find a beauty person from?

Gym this morning, worked hard. Was bright red and very sweaty by the time I'd finished LOL. Think it is getting easier, and today I was 16.2 so something seems to be happening. Lets hope this next week or so doesnt go tit shaped cos then I will have easily made the Feb 1 target and be well on the way to March 1st target.

Didnt go to OHs sisters in the end, drank sparkly wine instead. Doubt we will go see I Am Legend either. I bought 28 Days Later today cos apparently IAL is like that and I managed 5 minutes before I made OH turn it off. Big pansy.

New mattress tomorrow. Cannot WAIT, I am so excited :grin:

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.