Saturday, 13 January 2007

Not quite on the winching list, but not far....

1 bowl porridge, shared bag french fries, shared hula hoops, shared mini cheddars, shared double decker, half chicken, bacon & cheese panini, 2 cups of tea, bowl of pasta, tomato sauce, pork & mozzerella, some Roses chocolates, some grapes and a hazlenut & pistachio bar :bawling:

100 calories at work, 800 on bike.

Pissed off at lack of self control :bawling:

I've been thinking though - will dramatically cutting my food intake & increasing my exercise just mean that all I'm doing is training my body to stay at this weight? Or will I actually lose weight? I can't believe that by not doing as much exercise on wednesday and thursday, I put on 2lbs :bawling:

EDIT: Can't remember when I measured my boobs, but have just done it again - it was recently I measured them. Anyway, I've lost a back size and 10 (TEN!!!!) cup sizes :thud: :lol: Slightly remotivated :lol:

Friday, 12 January 2007


Definately 2lbs on :( I'm not going to be disheartened though - its all coming off.

Today: 4 cups of tea, 1 bowl porridge, 1 packet crisps, 1 hazlenut & pistachio bar, plate of pasta and bolognese sauce, lettuce and garlic bread.

Did 300calories before work, 100 at work and have just done another 300 - will aim for another 100 before tonight is out! Just went for a walk (up 2 steep, but short, hills) which burnt a pathetic 49 calories. ETA and done the final 100 - so, 100 @ work, 700 on bike and a poxy 49 on that stupid walk.

I am trying hard not to be pissed off re those 2lbs, but I am. It also bothers me greatly how quickly it went back on. If I havent lost weight tomorrow, then I'll eat till I become 50 stone and have to be winched everywhere.

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Back :)

It was interesting - more interesting really was what WASNT said and shown, but it always is.

Yesterday, I ate: 1 bowl porridge, 1 banana, 1 99calorie bag of crisps, 1 flapjack, 3 chocolate chip cookies, 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 1 chicken ham & mayonaise sandwich, 1 bit of turkish delight.

Today: 1 1/4 egg sandwich, 1 1/4 cheese, mayonaise & chive sandwich, some crisps, 2 bits banana bread, celebration sweets, bag maltesers, quiche, pork, mashed potatoes, beans, carrots, yorkshire puddings (2), gravy, 1 cup of tea, 1 hazlenut & pistachio bar.

Got on scales when I got home -before tea -(fully dressed, although in a t-shirt, not fleece or anything) and was XX.13. So not put on as much as I thought, but definately put on. Managed 500 calories on the bike so far so will do my best to get it to at least 700 before bed.

Edited @ 9.10pm - have done my 700calories - so I've proved to myself I can do it all on an evening and not die - I think by end of next week I should aim to be doing 200 before work & 700 after... As I get fitter it should be quicker - I did 200calories fairly easily as soon as I came back, slowly, but I did it. But, OTOH, I had just spent a day doing bugger all. I also weighed myself a few minutes ago - I know I've just eaten, but after being XX.13 when I came home, wearing same clothes, just having eaten, I was XY.3 again :bawling:

NeedyKitten torn between being overjoyed we're back and sulking cos we left him :lol:

Edited again 10.50pm - just weighed myself after bath. I've definately put 2lbs on :bawling: HOW, after doing 500calories less for 1 day and basically eating bread the next, can it have out 2lbs on?! (this is assuming I lose 2lbs overnight btw - if I dont I'll have put on FOUR lbs!!) I think I am destined for the rest of my life to eat 1 lettuce leaf and exercise for 10 hours a day to become a size 14 :(

Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Before I go

Not really looking forward to tonight/tomorrow - tonight is a 3 hour, rush hour, car journey to my parents, straight from work with no shower, nothing, then having to sit and make small talk when I'm tired and want to wash and go to bed :blush: then tomorrow, trundling round a petfood company listening to all their new product lines. I have things I'd far rather be doing - biking, internet, pulling my toenails out.... No idea when we'll be back tomorrow but at a guess, too late to do anything worthwhile on the bike.

Anyway, hasnt the weightloss for this week been a bit good? :lol: Very on target for new goal!! Maybe even on target for the goal I set back in November before I put it all back on again!

Just done 200calories on bike - think thats it till Friday!

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

What an odd day

Back to work, urgh. Felt dire for morning, then was fine for afternoon. Worked through all my breaks so came home an hour early - also meant though that all I've eaten tonight was tea :S

Managed my 700calories though(!!) - 124 at work (200 is just an ambition too far) and 700 on the bike - although did 100 before work. I was bored and did another 100, so 824 is my grand total for today.

Not entirely convinced there isnt something going on between asst manager and member of staff, who is allegedly having an affair with someone else.

3 x slices tomato/cheese/salami/beef pizza & 3 x slices garlic bread. 3 x cups of tea, half bottle Gallo White Zinfadel. Yes, I'm pissed.

Off to parents tomorrow so may not get chance to blog - infact I very much doubt I will. Will have to post Wednesdays weight on Thursday :rolleyes: Even if I stay the same as I was this morning, it is a Good Loss, may, miraculous loss. Also, as at parents, no biking. Must see this positively as a Good Thing ( break :nod: ) and not use it as an excuse not to bother getting on again. Today I did over what I was planning to do calories-wise.... I thought I would struggle with 700 - depends on how bored I am on an evening. Managed 300c within an hour without dieing - this is good for me.

Monday, 8 January 2007

Off to Docs

In a bit, for Open Surgery - lasts an hour and you sit and wait and are called in in order - will get there for 10.15, but how long will I be waiting? All bets are on :lol:

Another lb down this morning - at this rate I'll be 10stone by February :lol: So, as I've hit the target I wanted to hit by the end of january, I'll increase it to a stone :D

So, walking to Drs, I'll try and find my pedometre, but I reckon its about 100calories there and back. Back is up the hill, so could be more.

Hope they give me some antibiotics - I think I'll need a note too :unsure: this is my 4th day off work.

Going into town could be fun, being so close to Bad Food and Nice Things but must resist.

EDIT: Sat waiting for an hour. Got told nothing wrong, but given 500mg Amoxicillin anyway :dunno: A pathetic 62 calories burnt walking to & from Drs :rolleyes:

Eaten: 1 bowl porridge(138c)(more than normal milk-probs125c), 1 crumpet & flora light(115c), packet baked cheese things (Walkers-99c), 1 carton apple juice(110c), 1 440ml bottle apple and cranberry Fruit Spring (30c). So thats 755c on lunch already :unsure: cross I had the apple juice cos I didnt need it as had already bought the Fruit Spring. Rahh!! Anyway, tea, (not on a side plate today :rolleyes: ) beef, 2 yorkshire puddings, mashed potatoes, beans, carrots, sprouts, peas and gravy. Full today!

I've burnt 700calories on the bike today - dont know how I'll fit all this in when I'm back at work tomorrow :unsure:

So, actually, with 62 calories gone from walking to Drs, I've done 762! I've worked off those stupid drinks!

Also discovered an 'easier' way on the bike - do 10 calories 'slow', 1 minute 'fast' (atm = 10/11calories), 10 calories slow, then 2 minutes fast etc till I get to 100. Just did my last 100calories in 10.25 :acclaim:

*whisper* I believe there may be a difference in my legs already....

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Meh, meep, bluergh

I feel like death warmed up. Mum rang, spoke to her and shes made me promise to get to Docs tomorrow as 'its clear there's infection somewhere'. Which, thinking about it, yes, there is. She also reminded me about dads sinus problems (nice) which now I've remembered, I can literally feel my sinus' filling up. Head still hurts, taken miagraine tablet - despite it not being a miagraine - and nothing.

Already eaten 2 crumpets :( And managed 60 calories on the bike. I feel so crap, I might just give today up as a bad job.


EDIT: 7.30pm.

This is why I didnt tell OH about The Diet. I am hungry (still) after the main meal which was served on a side plate(!!) as it was psychological, to make me think I was eating more. No, it just makes me feel like shit.

I have given today up as a bad job - 2 crumpets, flora light on them, 2 go ahead strawberry bars(72 calories a bar), some grapes, 1 marzipan fruit, a banana, beef, potato, beans, peas and carrots. Gravy, 1 cup of tea. Just those 60calories on the bike.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.