Sunday, 18 January 2009

My legs will ache tomorrow!

To be fair they'd started aching yesterday after riding, but today I've gymmed and ridden. GYm wasn't bad, treadmill: rest - 4mph/0% incline/60s, work - 6.5mph/4% incline/60s. Did that to 15mins then put the incline to 0% when the work minutes came up and just ran till 1.6miles. Rower did 5 x 500metres with 30s rest. Had a 'quick break' of 180 situps then did my normal cross trainer. I've been thinking though, as much as I hate incline running, my abs ached after I ran on the 15% incline for 30seconds each time, so maybe I should do it a bit more often. Dunno, but I'm enjoying pushing myself again, rather than being happy with the bare minimum. This is a good thing, I think. I hope so anyway.

Took Stinks down to the bottom yard to use their school - it's cut into the hill so you don't get blown by the wind so much as on the top yard school. She was a little bugger to start with, the slightest touch was an excuse to scoot off, then when I asked her to actually work, we had big shakey head tantrums and stampy feet. Didn't get much nice work from her, but I'm happy with what I did get. Took a good 45mins to get it, but we did get there.

Now I've collapsed in front of the computer, and eaten a big bacon & cheese sandwich and 2 apricot brioche cakes. Tea is roast pork, yorkshire puddings, potatoes and vegetables.... Curry again tomorrow night and i will rejoin fat club tomorrow, think my subs have run out now.

Gym in the morning or attempt to ride? Hmmm.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.