Saturday, 2 February 2008

I wanna do great things

I don't wanna compromise....

Is going to be my new theme tune :nod:

I posted on a forum that I go on a lot (daily :rolleyes: ) about my weight loss and everyone is telling me how well I've done, which i can kind of accept on one hand. One the other, I still have another 5 stone to go, so I cant get TOO excited.

I got into the 15's today :grin: only just - half a pound in :lol: but, still, under 16 stone. I can't remember the last time that happened. In fact, I dont think I've EVER seen that on a set of scales when i've been stood on them. The excitement is actually unimaginable.

work was a bit baba today, really bad accident further down and the road was shut, so a lot of people assumed we werent open, despite the police allegedly telling them we were. I have my doubts. Very quiet, but it did mean we got some good work done in the shop.

Under 16 stone, me....weeee!!

Another 2.5 stone and I'll ask about riding lessons :)

Friday, 1 February 2008

Measurements Day

No pictures though, will do those 1st March to get (hopefully!) a better 'midway' pic.

Tuesday January 1st 2008:
L. calf - 18
R. calf - 17.5
L. thigh - 29.5
R. thigh - 29.5
Hips (inc tummy)- 52
top hips (on bellybutton)- 51.5
waist -43
under boobs - 37
L upper arm - 15
R upper arm - 15

Friday February 1st 2008
L. calf - 17.5
R. calf - 17
L. thigh - 28&aquarter
R. thigh - 28&aquarter
Hips (inc tummy)- 50
top hips (on bellybutton)- 51
waist - 40.5
under boobs - 34.5
L upper arm - 15
R upper arm - 14.5

Which if my adding is correct... I've lost 12 inches from ALL OVER my body in a month. Hail the GymBitch!! I'm having a day off from the gym this week, have been every day so far, but I *might* go on Sunday.

so, I've lost those 3lbs I'd put back on on Monday, but have failed on my 'into the 15's by February' challenge, so I now have to lose 8.5lbs this month to 'win' my 15.7lbs by March 1st challenge. It's do able. Now I'm out of my hormones induced tantrum, I know I CAN do it. This whole 'lost 12inches' malarky may have something to do with it too.

Wish I could find my fattest measurements. I think I put them on the fire so OH wouldnt see them.

Thursday, 31 January 2008

Feeling guilty

In these last 2 years, with the exception of having to 'give up on' MCob I've been horribly lucky - undeservingly so. With some of the crap that some people I know are dealing with, I can feel it's about to turn round and bite me on the arse big time.

Measurements Day tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, I dont THINK I've changed size. I thought I might have done the other day (I had a sneaky peek) but either I'd not eaten or something was going on because I havent budged on todays sneaky peek. Gym again tonight, I ran, again!! Did 1min @ 3.5mph, 1m30 @ 5.5mph and another 1m30 at 4mph twice, then a break of 3mins at 4mph and one at 3.5mph and then a final burst of 5mph for a whole minute :lol: to finish. Was so sweaty :blush: embarrassingly so. but the AIM is to run at least part of the Race For Life, which I registered for today.

Work very slow today. I looked for some GCSE Maths courses but I cant afford any of them :( so much for being Debt Free. *sigh*

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


Very odd. Havent been able to log in since Monday. No idea why, although tonight i tried going through blogger rather than signing in through my blog. Am posting so something seems to have worked, somewhere...

News? Well....we got the bonus :D So HOPEFULLY, it looks like by the end of next week I'll be able to pay off at least some of my second credit card (might not clear it now - reasons will become clear...) and pay off the car and mattress.

So...have been shopping. Joules have a sale on. I have spent about #70 :blush: but I have SAVED double that, easily. Honest. Plus I have some joggers to thin into. And they really will be to thin into, not a surprise like the Next joggers.

The tantrum seems to have passed. I struggle so hard though, the shopping on Saturday REALLY upset me and have spent the last 2 days constantly on the verge of tears. OH went out and got me some herbal happy pills in preperation for next month.

In Other News.... Gym tonight...I RAN on the treadmill :biggrin: for less than a minute and a half :lol: but I DID it, it was such a huge deal for me too.

Off for a bath now. I stink after The Run.

Sunday, 27 January 2008


Dont come to me for optimism...

Now, I am 100% sure than in a weeks time I'll be all upbeat and positive again, but right now I just wanht to curl up into a ball and not see anyone ever again. I've been this weight for 2 months now, nothing fit me yesterday and I still have so far to go.

I'm only just over half way. Another 2 years minimum of this? No way. I'll go crazy.

I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow evening after work. Show willing if nothing else. Maybe it is time for meetings? I dont know. I didnt think I'd been SO bad this week (ok the baguettes, toasted sandwiches and muffins were a minor blip) but half a stone? Really? Scales this morning said 16.7 stone. I so desperately wanted to be in the 15's this week.

Tried to stay in the shop for today - was expecting lots of going up and down stairs for customers etc.... spent most of the day upstairs texting - great example.

IdiotChild came in. I made her cry.

The Adventures of DietGirl is REALLY good. Still jealous though. I want to BE her.

OH has ManFlu. He is not long for this world.

It's 9pm and I'm about to go to bed, how sad is that?

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.