Saturday, 2 December 2006


So scales this morning read the same as the did yesterday. :sigh: Still, it's not a gain. And it must be done slowly.

I'm not going to get cross.

Yesterday I forgot to add the 6 Minstrals (yes, I counted :rolleyes: ) to the foody bit.

bowl of appley flavour Oatso Simple - bloody lovely.
1 banana
4 cups of tea
1 Lindt chocolate
Spaghetti Bolognese for tea - we'll have parmesan on top and crusty bread with it.
half bottole white wine
Strawberry Muller Light yoghurt for after.

Burnt 229 calories at work - not as much as yesterday but more than Thursday. Tomorrow is a day off, so will probably burn about 3 calories :rolleyes:

NeedyKitten is being very Needy. Wasn't so cute when he divebombed my tummy this morning.

OH being sweet too and convinced he has done something wrong - he really hasnt but I just feel a bit meh in general.

'archived' from an old blog

Friday 1st December
3 cups of tea
2 chicken and salad cream sandwiches
a twix top
Tagiatelle with cheese & bacon
1 apple muller rice
Half cheese and chive baguette thing. Very cross about this. Didnt really want it, but had it anyway. :searches: wheres my self control gone today?
Half bottle Echo Falls

Was :) when I got on scales this morning, rather than :biggrin;. Still, better than :huh:, ;( or :bawling; hey?

Burnt treble amount of calories at work today, so all good :acclaim;

Hot gossip at work today is Jack and Beci - they appear to be getting it on :lol; although nothings happened yet, just a ot of flirting and maybe a bit of touching. Its the worst kept secret in the world, even Stu knows and he's on holiday lmao.

Kitten stole us some bread on our return from shopping tonight. Bless.

Talking of shopping, went to Morrisons tonight. Hell On Earth. Spent a fortune as well. Oops. Bought Drop Dead Fred on DVD though, I used to LOVE that when I was younger. How much do you bet I hate it now?!

Very 'eat some worms-y' today.

Left OH perving over Nigella Lawson. Nice to know his 'type' is the polar opposite of me :rollseyes:

Nov 30 2006, 06:42 PM

5 cups of tea
1 satsuma
1 banana
1 go ahead apple bar
2 chicken & salad cream sandwiches
and tea is mince, brussels, carrots and potatoes. Possibly cheesey.
Doubt we'll have wine or ice cream.

Was still :biggrin: this morning after getting on scales, if I could keep this up I will have lost 15 stone by end of February :wishes:

Work not so bad, wore calorie counter and despite good intentions burnt a pitiful amount. Will Try Harder tomorrow.

Had amazing sleep last night, definately caught up what I missed night before - Maybe its the yoga? Havent pulled any muscles (did last time I did it), so either I'm bendier than I thought or I didnt do enough.

Kitten being Very Cute, I wish I could work out how to get pics off my phone online. I do love him lots.20mins yoga. Unflexy tonight.

Nov 29 2006, 10:24 AM
2 cups of tea (2 sugars)
1.5 slices toast & Nutella.
Covent Garden tomato soup
2 slices toast
1 mars top
Pork chops
cheesy mash ( :rolleye: )
green beans
Yorkshire pudding
There'll be gravy and apple sauce too.
also ice cream (same as yesterday although no cream)
and half bottle Piat D'Or too.

It was going fairly well up to the cheesy mash :bawling;

I havent told OH I'm doing this yet cos otherwise he gets a bit hitler about it (trust me, he really does) and I am 'allowed' to eat 2 bits of fruit and have my tea. Which makes me grumpy and crave Bad Things all the more. Which is why the Nutella this morning and the icecream last night. Soup, maybe for lunch today. I did part of the Geri Yoga video earlier :blush; I am SO unbendy its unreal. I could only do up to the advanced warmup(!!!!!! ) before admitting defeat. Anyway, I have decided to do that once a week when OH is out cos he will just laugh. Plus there isnt really enough room to do it, so I was kind of adapting 'postures' :snigger: to fit round the sofa/in the fire. Probably not quite the Correct Way.

No crisps today. I seem to lose weight vvvvv quickly, there are times I am sure my scales can't be right - I seem to be able to lose up to 3lbs in a day. Am sure its part just water, but still. Of course, this also means I can put on 3lbs in a day I do wish we had a dog though, it seems so pointless just walking for the sake of walking. I do get very bored.Just been to get Heat mag, walked down to shop, then back up the hill, so I had to walk downhill to get home. Got me out of breath and sweaty. I am going to have soup - I've been thinking about it all morning Just wondering why I can't sleep at the moment :S

Nov 28 2006, 07:12 PM

1 banana
2 pie d'angloys & salami sandwiches
1 packet low fat potato snacks
some peking sensations crisps
jacket potato
brussell sprouts
pistachio icecream
vanilla icecream
squirty cream on top
2 Lindt chocolates
half bottle Gallo pink wine

So not great. Could be worse. (Honestly, it could )pointless day in that I've just had a week off, I went back to work today, and I am rota'd tomorrow off. D 2 hours late, b forgotten that actually, *I* am manager and *I* say who does what and when. :autonomous: :grump:I have decided on An Aim (as well all know, plans are bad).I am AIMING to be totally debt free by February 2008, assuming no major disasters of the financial kind before then.I am AIMING to have lost at least 4 stone by then. I am AIMING to be looking for Mr Perfect New Horse by March 2008 I have to do it now, if I dont manage it now, I never will. I am going to start wearing my pedometer again. I WILL be thin(ish)

Nov 27 2006, 03:04 PM
Fruitsers biscuits (EIGHT throughout the day)Some Walkers Sensations peking flavour Crisps2 slices toast & nutella2 slices toast & 2 boiled eggsand off to TGIs tonight Self control? Wossat?

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.