Get with it.
I have put back on a shocking amount in a horribly short time. I no longer weigh less than Danny :bawling: - I think it's that alone that has spurred me back on. Actually, it's that and Vickie wanting to start running and going to the gym. I want to be the best at getting thin - I'm such a spoilt brat it's unreal.
Anyway. Today was going to be a Good Day. I'd eaten all the Christmas Chocolate and wasn't intending on having anything extra - had vegetables for tea. However I noticed I had half a pack of Doritos left so I finished them in a sandwich, had a hot chocolate and just had a nutella yogurt. BUT! I went to the gym and nearly killed myself so it's ok. It's rubbish how long it takes to build fitness up then lose it so quick.
Friday am going to Drs in the morning to be checked after us finding Chris' lump. I'm really not looking forwards to that. Then I must gym and I have the dentist as well in the afternoon. Would like to ride at some point, havent ridden for ages and doubt I will as it's got wet again. Shame I don't really have time to ride down to the bottom arena on a morning. Hopefully there'll be space there soon.
TOMORROW will be a good food day. There is nothing nice to pick on left in the house. I've checked.
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.