Saturday, 19 January 2008

hair, decisions and a banghead

Hair - took 4 hours, but I'm chuffed :biggrin: First colour didnt take so she did another with a darker colour - I like :D Will be a shock to OH though!! However spending stupid amounts of time in the hairdresser meant that I couldnt go to Boots and spend lots of money OR go to Next to buy more stuff. And I walked there and back.

Have also done the Nell dvd.... only managed 15 minutes the first time, then had a bit of a break (read quite a big break) and did the rest. Constant prancing. Floor may need reinforcing. Gym tomorrow. At least that floor feels solid lol.

Off to OHs sisters tonight and it's been decided we're going to see I Am Legend on Monday night.

Work alarm went off again this morning at 7am thankfully (would have been SO pissed off if it had been any earlier) cos the builders had left a wire dangling. So day started early and am now feeling effects. MUST get washing out of machine and do veg for tonight but I cant be BOTHERED.

Hair really is VERY dark....

Decisions - well, not really decisions tbh, more extra determination re the diet/sizeloss.

And the banghead? Why do people ask for advice and then either totally ignore what you say or pay such little attentiion to you that they go and do it anyway? I give it 2 weeks.

Friday, 18 January 2008


I'm so overexcited.

Today I went to Next (actually looking for shoes). I came out with a pair of joggers for me to thin into.

I am sat here, wearing them now. They fit.

I'll probably add to this later when I'm not quite so giddy...
Haircut tomorrow, also I must not go crazy with Next shopping.... I dont understand the sizing though, I'm obviously not a size 20 (tape measure says) yet they do appear to fit....dont think they would if they were jeans though. Just a smidgeon to tight. Anyway, woo!!

NewKitten is being an absolute pain in the arse. Today, she has broken a mirror, knocked a panel out of the kitchen cabinet and jumped up my back - that earnt her a smacked arse.

My thumb is still sore. Will buy some second skin stuff tomorrow.

Also, breaking news, TheEx has been in touch, ironically as I am listening to one of *his* bands albums. Anyway, he wants a divorce and will phone again in a couple of weeks when he sorts out his financial situation. Also tried a few obvious guilt trips, but I ignored them. I know his life hasnt been THAT shit in the 2 years we split up and I managed to get him to admit that it was best we did split up.

Might do a carmen DVD tomorrow, as not going to the gym. Going Sunday instead.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

meh, not so positive :rolleyes:

Checked on the scales this morning, had put on 1lb :( But went to the gym again tonight. LazyFriend and I were clearly delirious and spent much of the session in fits of laughter. Especially when I went to do a step up and did a big fart....think we managed to disguise it as the bench squeaking.

Not going to the gym tomorrow, and have the weekend off. Looking forward to getting my hair done Saturday and will gym on Sunday. Due to CPD will have to go to gym Mon thurs and friday cos I'm working the weekend too.

I MUST get off the amazon website. I'm tired, I should go to bed...

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


But then I have been to the gym twice already this week, am going tomorrow and will probably go Sunday.

Was hard work tonight, but I was with lazymate who bitched and moaned the whole time which I'm sure made it harder work. Very tired now AND havent eaten all points. Having 0point curry tomorrow.

I was thinking tonight, mainly cos my newly uber-thin ( :D :D ) friend came round, just how much better I feel for losing weight. I think more about food and while I do sometimes crave a bacon sandwich, I am able to ignore it...for the most part anyway. I have more energy, I want to do more, I am more organised, because i can be BOTHERED to do it now whereas before I was just too lazy. When I think back to how I was, I get so embarrassed :( I remember being too lazy to walk to the garage (a 5 minute walk,if that) and the food I used to eat, thinking I was being healthy. It's all positive, I just wishwishwish I'd never got to the stage/weight I did.

Fruit epiphany still going well. Had a fatfighters recipe as well tonight - pan fried chicken & bacon. 4 points, very nice. Bulked it out with 0point veg too.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Got a poorly...

Was sat in office this morning, having my (cold) cup of coffee, being as it was the first chance I'd had to actually have it. Heard a big crash from the shop, pondered on whether to ignore it and pretend I hadnt heard it, or to go and investigate.

I investigated and got slashed across the bottom of my thumb for my trouble. Not sure how, as I cant see what I did it on (a rat cage trap) but it's right on the bend, so everytime I move my right thumb - that would be a lot - it reopens. Very sore.

Gymmed tonight, did full program. Takes 1.5 hours. Was very sweaty by end :lol: but did EVERYTHING. Even the plank, and the step ups onto the bench (12). Sat on the boso ball and twisted with a 5kg weight, did 2 reps of 30 and my sides feel it now. Got a funky new sign in system now - all done on finger prints!! Bets on how long it takes before it breaks?

Spoke to a complete numpty at Bayer today....didnt have a clue what she was talking about, but I think we have it sorted now.

I'm so tired. Very chuffed I went to the gym though. Workout was hard work, but wasnt as bad as I was expecting. Bit cross because I ended up on the magically slow treadmill today but upped the speed so I hope I was doing similar. Didnt need to hold on today though till I got tired. Got a sweat on though. Is all good.

Monday, 14 January 2008

MMmmmm, lovely fruit....

Better be bloody lovely and good at fat burning at 7points a serving....

Didnt go to the gym tonight, but did do (the warmup of) Nell McAndrews DVD. I would have done it all, but there was lots of prancing and it sounded like I might go through the floor :unsure: BUT....I did the warm up and wasnt remotely out of breath or sweaty! I believe this is a first.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Absolutely tapped in the head....

I went to the gym AGAIN today. Not only that, I did my arms and core/abs review too (jenny wasnt busy and the gym was empty). MUCH harder work. Slightly confused over the arms I think, especially as I have to go into the boys bit for one of the bars (girls bars only go up to 6kg :blush: ) but i'm sure I'll cope. I ACHE now though.

Dont really have motivation to do much now. Work will hurt tomorrow lol. Not going to gym tomorrow - will be packed and I think I deserve a day off!!

Beginning of March treat can be a new gym kit....I muST be due one by then!!

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.