Saturday, 26 July 2008

Once again...two good days in a row!

(so far anyway, I've been feeling a bit wobbly the last hour or so...)

But yeah, today has been fairly good. I think the trick is keeping myself busy, but that's easier said than done sometimes. Havent ridden today OR run OR gymmed because I was working, but I'll gym in the morning and ride or run in the evening.

FatHorse has had her FatCamp rebuilt and she's in it tonight...Cross everything she is still standing in the morning and hasnt done anything ridiculous.

Was slightly stiff this morning but it eased up throughout the day. I think it'll hit me tomorrow!!

Payrise comes into effect August 8th :banana:

Wish I'd ridden though, tonight was perfect for a nice hack but I'm so BORED of going on my own. I might put an advert up at work asking if anyone wants to come riding with me :blush:

Friday, 25 July 2008

Had a really good day

Been so busy as well, havent actually acheived very much but it's occupied me all day and I havent wanted to be a twat at all. Check me out!

Got up fairly latish (lazy cow!), and went up to Swinsty and trundled round... Some woman I've never heard of told me I'd done good so that cheered me up. Wish I knew how far it really was, Nike+ told me it was 3.44miles which it REALLY isnt. But whatever, I was pleased.

Came home, got changed and went to the yard, did a full muck out of FatHorses stable and put 2 new bales of shavings in while she trundled about the yard grazing and just generally being in the sun... I'm sure she doesnt care, but I like her to be out in the sun just mooching about. She did chew the wing mirror on my car though. That wasnt so good.

Came home and got changed again and walked straight down to the gym... it wasnt the BEST of sessions - I had to knock the incline down a bit on the treadmill, but rower and cross trainer were ok. Didnt get thin arms but did the hurty-stretches. Had a shower...and got changed AGAIN!!

Walked home, did boring-housework had some lunch (at 5pm) and went back to yard to ride. Intended to do some jumping, but chickened out. Did 2 jumps and she was being silly so we fart arsed around the field instead. Pony came in all frothed up with sweat and I wasnt much better. Must clean my tack tomorrow :blush:

Finished at yard and got back home, Stef seems to have gone missing :S No one seems to know where she is, which is very odd. Am sure she's fine, but can't help feeling a bit worried.

Realy havent done very much and I'm knackered!! Am working tomorrow now as V has hurt her leg. Had a tantrum about doing it, but I'm getting paid for it, and it can either go towards Iceland-money or on the credit card. Working Sunday too but have thursday and friday off cos I'm working next weekend too. Why is it always my weekends that get fucked about with and never Stus???

I wonder...

(todays Good Food Day isnt starting very well, I just stole some of Chris' nutella sandwich.)

But, that aside, I wonder if I'll ever be happy with the way I look? My thighs, I think, are finally starting to get some kind of definition to them, rather than just floppy flab, so that made me kind of happy last night before I realised that once those were sorted there was still everything else to work on!!

The Pregnant One sent me a text at 5am saying she needed today off as holiday because her neighbours had had a party and it didnt finish till late and she was tired. Chris has said to pretend I never got the message and see if she actually asks properly, the way staff are meant to. I'm glad I'm not at work today, if she does end up having the day off there will be uproar. She has tomorrow booked off as holiday - convenient that every time she has a holiday booked, the day before SOMETHING happens so she gets a longer one. She goes on mat leave next week and I cant wait, although when I suggested to everyone it might be nice (ha) to get her a leaving present and card they all had fits and refused to put any money in. Joyous.

I was looking at the Blue Lagoon website again last night, I really really must get back into weight loss and not be swayed by haribo and crisp sandwiches and the like. I need to buy a swimming costume, but I darent until the week we go to make sure it fits properly. There's only 8 weeks till we go now :S I'm so cross with myself, there's not a CHANCE I'll be under 13 stone by then :bawling: I've finally started putting money into an Iceland Account and I'll put #20 a week in it but thats only #160 saved up for it...judging by the prices of stuff, that will last me approximately the journey from the airport to the hotel!! PLEASE let me have a bonus in August... Actually, I wonder when my payrise kicks in? I can put that over too. Was kind of hoping I'd need a 'Clothes The Fit' shopping trip again before we went, but that's unlikely.

Fuck it, 20lbs in 8 weeks. It must be doable. I just need to be really good. And actually go running and keep running rather than bitching I'm about to die.

Thursday, 24 July 2008

I've annoyed myself this week

OK, so work has been rubbish, but there has been no need for my rubbishness (with both rubbish-rubbishness and work-rubbish) whatsoever.

Today was appalling, got myself into a huge state this morning over NOTHING at all, and demanded Chris went out for chocolate hobnobs, I ate the entire pack, I have actually disgusted myself with what I've eaten today. I darent even admit anything else, it's too awful.

At least I've been for a run though, but my stupid out of breath-breathing really lets me down, it makes me so cross. The run was fun though, even if it was hardhardhard. I've decided Jen actually hates me and wants to kill me.

Tomorrow is a new day and all that, I MUST be good with food now, I hate still being this weight, so much for my aim at the beginning of the year to be 11stone by 1st August. I'll be lucky to be 14stone by then!!!

so, all rubbish and I must just stop being such a twat. So easy just sat here, announcing that. Must start running on a Monday night again too, wont get better if I give up!!

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.