Saturday, 30 June 2007

Fat Day

:thud: I managed to do the banking AND sheets AND SAGE with minimal mistakes and help! Weeeee!!

Hugely busy at work, was allegedly my first day as 'alone manager' but M3 was hovering. Must ask to be told when I'm going to magically know when orders are coming in.

Going to see Selfish N tonight...she rang as I walked in the door and I wasnt quick enough to come up with an excuse :S Also let slip I wasnt working tomorrow, so no doubt she will invite herself over/I'll have to do something for her...I wanted to watch the Derby... Will be nearly a year since Lily died.

Food: 2 x portions lasagne, half a portion chip shop chips, 1 muller light, 1 strawberry bun, maltesers, 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, garlic bread, 1 J20, 2 hot chocolates

Exercise: nothing. MAY go to gym tomorrow before the Derby...

Friday, 29 June 2007


Apparently M2 & SC have been texting each other naked pictures all day :eek: Not entirely sure I believe it, but....Crazy.

Convinced myself I wasnt going to the gym tonight, but then, having eaten tea and had half a bottle of wine I went after all....

Not a bad day really, SAGE really winding me up. I cannot grasp it at all. Work in general is a bit weird.... I dont really feel I 'belong' in the shop anymore,yet I definately dont belong in the office either...

Food: banana, 2 ham & pie d'angloys sandwiches, fruit corner, french fries, lasagne, salad & salad cream, garlic ciabatta, skinny cow ice cream

Exercise: Gym

Thursday, 28 June 2007


Maybe I will stop being an impulsive drama queen for a week or so.... I have come on today, so will either have huge weight loss, or nothing because it wasnt the pill/lack of periods make me stay the same weight.

So, I dont know. Maybe I am just destined to be fat and ugly forever :sad: especially as I am troughing more now...

Food: 3 ham & pie d'angloys sandwiches, grapes, french fries, muller light, homemade pizza, homemade garlic bread, 1 chocolate chip muffin

Exercise: nothing

Wednesday, 27 June 2007


Now what to think? No loss this week, but OTOH, considering what I was on Saturday, the fact it isnt a huge great big gain is very definately Something To Shout About. But I'm not, I'm still gutted. Won't be happy now till I'm VV.7...

Banking/Sage etc seems to be going in better. Have till Saturday. No further on on the online stuff. OH has taken it over :nod: :grumps:

Eaten LOADS today :biggrin:

Food: Aero bubbles, 1 banana, lots of grapes, some chicken breast, some ham & mozzerella, 3 ham & pie d'angloys sandwiches, 1 muller fruit corner, packet french fries, pasta and carbonara sauce, 1 solero ice cream, half a bottle piat d'or

Exercise: 40lengths swimming

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Banking Banking Banking

Went in one ear and out the other. One day, in about 3 years, it will make sense. Possibly.

Food: 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 1 ham/mozzerella/salad cream salad, french fries, muller light, garlic ciabatta, bolognese sauce, pasta, parmesan, Muller Corner Healthy Balance

Exercise: Hmmm, Either I lost count and 'gained' some lengths or I speeded my swimming up a lot looking at the time it took. So, either 68 lengths or 72. Either way, for the first time in god knows how long, over a mile.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Mmmm, Radley purse....

I had to get up early, just so I could look at it and stroke it :wub:

My hip/outside of right leg aches ever so much atm :S And I really must stop being a hormonal, depressed witch. OH will end up leaving me and it will be my own stupid fault.

Road outside work is flooded, road is closed but everyone just going round the blocks anyway.

Food: 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 1 ham & pie d'angloys baguette, grapes, almond croissant, 3 cranberry & white chocolate butter cookies, 1 muller light, 2 bowls pork stew with mozzerella, apple and mint sauce and bread.

Exercise: 40 lengths in swimming pool

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Useful website

cerazette post

Hope admin emails me back with how to join - I cant see the codes you need to join, so have emailed them



Just back from shopping at the White Rose centre with OHs sister. It is a close run thing as to who spent the most...I think I *just* won though.

I bought:
A nightie for E's birthday
A pencil case for L's birthday
5 pairs of knickers from La Senza (I must have a pair for every day of the month now...They were on 5 for £10)
2 tops from Evans
1 pair of shoes, ballet style, with crystals on
1 necklace
1 computer game for OH
A set of bed sheets
Some body butter, lip balm and exfoliating gloves from Body Shop (no Lush :bawling:)
:blush: A pink one of these

A good day, but to say I've done 'nothing', I'm really tired! Not to mention skint now...

Food: 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 1 smoothie, 1 ham and salad sandwice, 1 slice carrot cake, 1 large yorkshire pudding, filled with Pork stew. 3 spoons apple & mint sauce

Exercise: shopping...

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.