Saturday, 9 June 2007

Full of Cold

Was mildly entertaining ideas of going to the gym today as day off, but think I shall just do a load of housework instead....I say that, yet I am still sat here at the computer screen. I'm not full of cold yet, but it won't be long...sore throat this morning, headache, achey all over, tickly nose....Joy. It's been at least 3 months since I last had a cold though.

Have just texted SC to apologise for snapping at her yesterday. I still think she was being ridiculous but...I was starting to feel guilty. Arse. No reply yet, but then she is probably still festering in her horrid, mouldy bed. (Sadly, I'm not lying.) Wish I was going to Bramham :( Have no money to go though, I could have walked the XC course instead of doing housework/the gym.

Still no further forward in looking for a job. I really don't want to leave, but have sort of burnt my bridges now. Yesterdays meeting resulted in him being suspended on full pay (AGAIN) for another week. It's farcical. Although....Apparently the owner is FUMING as its the lawyers who have said he can't just sack him, and has come up with a contract that M1 has to write, and if Owner agrees with it all, he is going to show it to M2&M3, if they agree to it (which they wont unless its OUTSTANDING), then it is to be signed and with weekly visits to ensure that the work set out in the contract is being done. He is on his final warning NOW and one tiddly little step out of line...5minutes late, or too long for lunch/whatever, thats it. So I dont know what to do now!! My resgination hasnt yet formally been accepted or given in writing.

Have just mopped the floors. Hugely embarrassing confession....They havent been done since I moved in. Hoovered, yes. Mopped....No. Having said that, they were surprisingly clean. NeedyKitten is furious about the kitchen floor being wet and keeps walking in and out making a big deal about the fact his paws are wet. This is the cat that comes and sits in the bath with me. Hoovered throughout, on my second load of washing and need to dust still. OH did the washing up before he went to work, so only have the wine glasses from last night, his breakfast stuff and my lunch stuff to do.

I think my new aim should be to try and lose 3lbs a week....Will soon see whether the weight gain was due to not exercising/eating badly for that week or the pill. There is a loss already though from Wednesdays weigh in, so keep fingers crossed.

Mum cat has gone to stud - she appears to like this one and has mated 7 times since yesterday :eek:!! Hopefully this one will go full term :morecrossedfingers: Due date is 14th August and collection in November... Daddy

Food: 2 ham & pie d'angloys baguettes, greek yoghurt with blue/rasp/strawberries, 2 rice cakes, 1 laughing cow light triangle, crackling off the ham, pasta, pork, tomato sauce, marscepone, homemade garlic bread.

Exercise: Housework?! 120 situps

Friday, 8 June 2007

sleepy, grumpy, dopey....

Can't remember any other dwarves, except Happy and I ain't that...

I'm tired, I can't *really* be arsed with the gym tonight, but I must go, I am going and if I don't I will be furious with myself for not going. I'm really tired in that I'm slightly scared I may fall asleep on the cross trainer. Grumpy...well, there's still no decision apart from 'Tell FB that the job is hers, when M1 leaves....whenever that is'. His meeting was today at 4.30pm, but we all suspect he is on his final warning now. He won;t find another job and leave off his own bat - even if he works hard he's still on a fairly cushy number. Dopey...well, in that I can't really be arsed to do anything and I'm finding it hard to think straight. Looking on job centre website and nothing... There's a couple of pet shops I can ring tomorrow but I doubt they'll have anything.

My shoulder really is sore and clicky.

Food: half a chocolate chip muffin, salad (ham/halloumi/mozzerella/coleslaw) muller light, smoothie, quavers, pasta and bolognese sauce with parmesan, homemade garlic bread and wine.

Exercise: 20mins bike (200calories), 120 situps, gym (all weights, 18mins cross trainer, 10mins rower, 31mins treadmill)

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Let the weight loss commence!!

It would appear I have lost 2lbs already :lol: I am not getting excited though until I've got past VV stones 11lbs again - this is just the warmup (again, sigh). Off to gym tonight with S to her gym, so won't be doing as much as I normally do at mine, but I'll be doing some different weights. Wish she could join my gym, I really don't like hers and I HATE going on my own.

Must remember to ring up LCC today about my gym card - it's still coming up invalid and I've rung the bank and they say the money has gone from my account. I suspect I have an old card, the number on the back is out of date anyway. Hopefully it's sorted now, but if not, ALC have to send back my card for a new one. Had to be mine which buggered up.

I feel quite podged...I can't see that those lbs that seem to have melted off will have stayed off :( I shouldnt have had the baguette (I knew I was eating in half hour or so as well) or the strawberry bun, but at least it was half and not a whole one.

Food: Ham/mozzerella/halloumi/coleslaw/avacado salad, quavers, muller light, 2 rice cakes and 1 triangle laughing cow lite, half a strawberry bun, small baguette, ham & pie d'angloys, spaghetti bolognese, garlic bread, chocolate chip muffin.

Exercise: 60 situps, 20 minutes (200 calories) on bike, half hour cardio at the gym.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Sigh....Let the weightloss commence

Put on 5lbs in 2 weeks. I suppose, thinking about the exercise I DIDN'T do, and the food I ate its not too bad really.

Still meh though :(

Food: ham/mozzerella/halloumi/coleslaw salad, quavers, muller light, 2 rice cakes, 1 triangle laughing cow cheese, half a packet maltesers, 1 sausage, homemade pizza & garlic bread, wine.

Exercise: 32 lengths swimming, 20mins bike

Tuesday, 5 June 2007


I'm now reading about Cerazette - the Pill I've just come off of...Doesn't seem to be well liked anyway. I appear to have done quite well on it, in that my skin hasnt got bad, nor has it raised blood pressure....I have had mood swings, but I don't know if that is down to my inherent bitchiness/brattishness anyway OR if the Pill has magnified it. Now I'm reading a bit more, it seems you can have difficulties coming off it. A lot of people have said that they bloated after they came off it, and had bad skin and raised blood pressure anyway. So have I done the wrong thing?

I am mostly convinced that the pill has stopped my weight loss. It coincides with the right time anyway. Now I'm off it, I'm all motivated to lose weight again, but what if its just cos my enthusiasm was waning anyway? What if it's all psychological and I needn't have come off the Pill? Still, done now...Will give it 2 months and see what happens.

I'm so tired and I've done NOTHING to warrant it...Did some clothes washing and some washing up, surfed t'net most of the day, watched United 93, surfed some more, window shopped in the Next catologue, but I am yawning like nothing on this earth and could happily go to sleep. Just done 5minutes on the bike and am ready to have a heart attack!!! My legs ache, I'm sweaty like you wouldnt believe and I'm out of breath....Surely it hasnt been THAT long since I've been on it. How embarrassing. Was vaguely entertaining ideas of doing 20mins on it before work everyday - not a chance if I feel like this after 5mins!! Have the vague rumblings of the start of a cold, but have been like this for a week or so and it refuses to develop or go away. Sulk. It doesnt help that I am B.O.R.E.D and therefore eating.

Food: 1 x ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 2 x ham, coleslaw and mozzerella breadrolls, chunks of port salut, 1 packet quavers, 1 chunk of Halloumi, pork fillet, 1 sausage, beans, carrots, boiled potatoes, 2 yorkshire puddings, 3 teaspoons apple sauce, gravy, half a bottle rose wine

Exercise: 30mins (300calories) on the bike, 40 lengths in swimming pool

Hmmm, maybe I just needed a 'warmup' - have just done 25mins straight on bike and was and sweaty and mildly out of breath, but otherwise ok... knees ache now! Will weigh myself in the morning (am expecting it to be around WWstones 5lbs or so), then get back into the routine again. And will see how quickly - if at all, weight loss happens. If nothing, I swear I am going for lipo.

(9.30pm - just back from swimming. I am KNACKERED. Lots of movement, not very much speed. Am convinced 2 girls were laughing at how slow I was :( Was a real struggle.)

Monday, 4 June 2007

I am BORED (and slightly drunk)


Came off the pill today....Am going to sit back and wait for weight loss to happen :lol: Am hoping it will be within a month - I seemed to stop losing weight after a month when I went on it, so it stands to reason it will be the same this way round

Have eaten LOADS today :(

ham/mozzerella/salad cream/avacado salad, quavers, maltesers, a boost bar, some marzipan, an almond croissant, a scotch egg, some of OHs pies (I didnt eat them all...), 3 ham & pie d'angloys sandwiches, 1 pint of pimms

exercise - nothing.

I wonder where all my motivation has disappeared to? I really hope its the pill that has stopped me losing weight(and therefore losing motivation...), but if it isnt then I dont know what to do.


Sunday, 3 June 2007

What a crap day....

But not really for any particular reason - have just had zero motivation and feel quite achey - please don't say I'm coming down with another cold....

Busy searching for vacuum cleaners online....the current one just can't keep up with a fluffy Norwegian Forest moult. OH is of the opinion that if we buy something to last, we spend Money on it (this is how we ended up spending £1000 we don't have on a TV and surround sound thingy), but I dont want to spend £300 on a vacuum (of all things) and find it's shit.

Have also decided to come off the Pill. NOT to have babies, but to see if it helps with the weight loss. I know the resolve has slipped somewhat, but I AM still exercising and eating less that I did, but in last 2 weeks, I have put on HALF A STONE again. Back up to WWstone 6lbs :bawling: So coming off it for 2 months, if it works all well and good and I will stay off it till I can get to a weight where I can have my normal Pill back...if it doesn't, I am asking to have my stomach stapled.

So. Any vacuum recomendations anybody?

Food: salad (mozzerella/ham/sundried tomatoes), quavers, 1 big slice chocolate cake, lots of PiMMs, big bag Maltesers, pasta, tomato sauce, bacon and cheese, 2 slice salami, 1 chunk Halloumi.

Exercise: nowt.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.