Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Nearly bedtime...

I'm so tired, today has been such a long day.

Woke up at 3am, and never went back to sleep, was terrified about what we'd find under FatHorses fluff, so groomed the cat, did some washing, put it away, came on tinternet....

Found my Heiniger clippers yesterday, however sans blades. Plan was I'd ring round local tack shops and buy some (40quid) blades before going up to sort t'nag out. Therein lies my problem - I'd made a PLAN. Nowhere had any blades. I tried everywhere in a 20 mile radius to no avail. So, plan B was to buy a new set of clippers from work, at 220quid. It's gone on my account, along with the electric fencing and I'm Forgetting About It, for now. Still, they are cool. Very light. Tensioning them is a bugger though. So I have a set of brand new (used once!!) Heinigers to sell, once I've found some blades to go with them.

Finished the banking at work and then met Nicola & her boss at yard. Gave FH enough sedative to fell an elephant - Nicola has seen her fight sedation when having legs clipped before - and I started clipping. To be fair, it isnt as much of a mess as we were expecting. She has 3 seperate infection sites though, and her leg is to be washed, dried and redressed 3 times a day and she has a steroid cream to have on too (wonder if it'll improve my gymness?). And she's on a weeks on antibiotics. Only got the one leg clipped, so she looks a bit of a twat at the minute. Her leg is everso swollen though :( she's on box rest for a week. Can't even turn her out in the yard apparently, in case she gets mank in it all. I've ordered some more turnout boots for her and she is to wear them even while being ridden, when I can ride again.

Then had to rush home and get showered and changed (am still allergic to clipper oil by looks of things, 3 showers later I've still got a rash) and down to Bus.Focus for this meeting. Took an hour and a half to decide something that should have taken 20 minutes and not involved the geekycomputer boys already. Still, am shocked at what the budget appears to be, and it looks like I have 18months to turn this into a success. No pressure then. This is including the set up before it all goes live. I'm excited though, I want to get cracking.

BY the time I got to work was dead on my feet, and I'm sure I had a AMTRA mystery shopper in. If she was, I'm fucked, because I was short tempered and gave her the bare minimum of information.

Managed the gym, although I didnt do the fatbusting program, I just went on the treadmill for 35 minutes. Did 3.25miles. Was ok. I swear I walked out asleep. Had lost 1lb at FatClub so I guess it was worth it, although if I'd remembered to take my water in and had had a drink, I'd have put 2lbs on. Must be good this week. I say that, but Chris had bought me some Phish Food to cheer me up tonight. Was good though.

I'm tired now, but I can guarentee I'll get into bed and wake up. Can;t decide how long it will take me to sort The Leg out tomorrow. I can't imagine for a second she'll be as amenable about me dealing with it with no sedation. She was lame when I checked her this afternoon, but I suppose it's to be expected with the scrubbing it got this morning. Need to buy a huge roll of cotton wool and some latex gloves. I got her a stable lick for while she's in. The packaging claims it will last the average horse 3 weeks. I give it an hour with a Fat Horse, judging by her reaction to it.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.