Saturday, 16 August 2008


FoodBan was RUBBISH and I have put on yet more weight today - no exercise (no walking on Danefield for me) and have eaten lots of cheese, and icecream. Obviously not together.

Looks like I am going to have to take out a small mortgage to afford a swimming costume for Iceland...really I need 2, I want to go in the Blue Lagoon and a geyser...on seperate days, plus every website comments on the amount of swimming pools about. I should start swimming again.

I'm so cross with myself, I WAS doing really well and looked like I *might* do the 20lbs before Iceland. Now I only have 5 weeks left to go and it looks like I'll struggle to get to 13.7, let alone below 13 :bawling:

At least though it looks like we can be quite active in Iceland - the roads look fairly straight forward so if the urge arises, I can go for a run, we're going riding and hopefully lots of swimming if I can get my legs and belly out. I say we're going riding, what if they say the horses cant carry me? They're only spindly legged things, not like a FatHorse.

Speaking of said FatHorse, I'm going to get back on her tomorrow. She has porked out something chronic. So it doesnt knacker up my knee much more I'm going to attempt bareback, so lots of schooling in walk. Could be fun, could be insanely boring. Wont attempt trot, I WILL fall off, so will save that for when the knee is better.

What else do I need for Iceland? Going to get my hair done before we go and 2 x swimming costumes. I can't actually imagine I need anything else...

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.