Sunday, 10 August 2008

If I can't be stellar, I won't get out of bed...

Words I should pay more attention too, maybe. Make everyday stellar, set out to achieve something every day and be proud when you do it. In fact, I might even do that, rather than just think about doing it.

Why is it, that when I am nowhere near my computer, I can think of a million things I'd blog, but now I'm sat here, all ready to type up todays thoughts and musings, my mind is an utter blank?

I was thinking about having kids the other night (last night??). I'm not entirely against the idea of having kids IN THE FUTURE, but is it wrong that I can think of far more reasons NOT to have kids than I can reasons TO have kids? And it's not stuff that's going to change overly much either. Hmmm.

Rubbish with food today, for no real reason it's been a chocolate hobnobs day. And also a load of other rubbish day. oh well. MUST be good tomorrow and Tuesday. Should have gone for a run this evening really, but the idea of stuffing myself with food was much preferable and now....I've had a bath and the moment has gone. Funny that. Briefly entertained the idea of doing Wii Fit earlier, but that sems to have gone by the wayside too. Lazy cow.

Rode FatHorse before gym & work this morning - went across the road and down the by way, then back up ECR and back along Yorkgate. Took 25 minutes. Shame really that Yorkgate is far too busy to do that ride on a morning, it would be perfect. Was going to go in the school and practise some RWYM stuff I'd read last night but school was totally underwater. Am hoping Soph and Gunner have stayed in tonight cos then I can ride in the field if it's not raining in the morning. Don't know why but FH seems to be a pain in the arse on a bridleway but golden on the road. Maybe I'm less uptight on the road? Who knows? Whatever, we got round with no MadEquus McMad moments - yay the FatHorse. Did forget my hat though, needed to go back for it PDQ. Doesnt bother me riding in the school without it, but not out hacking.

Gym was gooood. Did 10minutes on the treadmill rest = 0% incline 4mph 1 minute, work = 4% incline 6.5mph, 1m30secs. Was knackered when I came off. Rower wasnt bad, but not great either, and cross trainer was good too, although the last 2 minutes were pure torture and closer to 60 speed than 70. Forgot my belt too for my jeans, ended up borrowing Stu's. Forgot to give it back tonight, oops.

All I've really done tonight is eat :( Might give FatClub a miss on Tuesday night, it's really bad. I'm embarrassed to admit what I've eaten.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.