Friday, 18 July 2008

Today has the potential to be a good day

Dont tell the FatHorse...

I'm trying for another food ban today, we're having pizza and garlic bread for tea and I think I might want wine too. Or is that ridiculous? I was under 14stone this morning - cue the HUGEST grins ever and screams for Chris to come and see (but he HAD to comment on other things) but still - has set my day up well. I just dont want to fuck up the weight loss this week.

Been to the gym with Fanny this morning, did the treadmill on 70second on the work bit, mostly on a 4% incline, but I think I did 3 work minutes on 5%. Did that for 15minutes, did rower and cross trainer too. Can't decide if that was easier or not or if I just got a bit lazier towards the middle.... Last few work minutes were uber-fast though. Did thin-arms and the one I hate, the arms in front and to the side thing, I did with 2kg weights. Two sets of 12. Well, one set of 12 and 2 sets of 6. But it's getting better. Then tried to make Fanny stretchy. She can't do it. I'm sure I must do something wrong. Tried her running top on and it fits, after a fashion. I wouldnt wear it on its own, but yes, it does fit. I can't decide whether to get one or not. Would I ever actually wear it? She does look a bit of a tit wearing it in the gym under a vest top.

Going to go ride FatHorse in a minute, if it's still upright. Bloody animal, now I can laugh and joke about it now, but I thought my heart had been ripped out last night. Running later too, hopefully. Not sure how good I'll be by that point though.

I'm still tempted by this running top. If we get a bonus I might consider it a bit more.

I might wii fit before pizza too, depends on how dead I'm feeling. I might not be capable by that point.

This week has gone so quickly, it's not fair. I think I could get used to being a house wife.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.