This is probably the least time I've ever waited for a week off, but it seems to have taken the longest ever to come round.
Had a bit of a rubbish morning, woke up still with the paranoid feelings of last night wheeling about my head, not helped by twattySILs comments of how much prettier SHE was (bitch) so was fairly rubbish in the gym. Well, *I* was rubbish but not at the program. Think I might do 15mins on treadmill instead of 10 (maybe try a couple of 5 or 6%... did it today) and 10 on the rower from now on. I love it, I reallyreally do.
Occured to me earlier I've been to the gym SIX times this week. And been for a run, and ridden and done my Nell DVD and Wii Fitted. Did the core section before horses/gym/work this morning. God I need to work on that, I'm so rubbish and I can't be an effective, good rider until thats better.
Was going to ride tonight, but decided to wash fathorses legs instead, she has mud fever again, really badly on her offhind. I really thought I was going to find maggots or something under there cos it really stank, but there is lovely pink skin under the scabs, so hopefully all good. Have Protection Plussed it and cut all the hair round it right back. I think I'm going to have to admit defeat and get Nicola out to sedate her and start to clip her legs out again.
Going to take my schooling exercises book up there tomorrow and going to start work on the pair of us.
Have had a rubbish food day and wine tonight, but...fuck it, if I've put on weight its not cos I've not done enough exercise this week. Check me out being a grown up about it all. For now.
I hurt, I'm such a dick at times.
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.