Saturday, 19 July 2008


Rubbish :nod:

Yesterday was ok, managed a food ban till tea was ready, check me out. Then it all went downhill, pizza, garlic bread, some banoffee pie (FatFighters, but still) a milky way, 2 bottles of wine...Was nice though but now I have the horrors. I quite fancy going for a really nice, long, run, but I wont because A/ I'm a lazy cow and won't motivate myself enough to go and B/ I'll be rubbish and that will make me more rubbishlyrubbish. I might go to the gym in a bit instead.

Feeling a bit crap anyway because Nicola rang last night and wanted to do something over the weekend, so I lied and said we were away (I'm going to get seen by her now), then when she asked if I wanted to do something that night I just said no, couldnt think of an excuse quickly enough, so I just said Chris and I had been busy all week and just wanted an evening on our own. All lies. So I think I've offended her now too. Wel, I dont think, I know. So yeah, rubbish.

Havent dared get on the scales yet, but I'm having vegetables for tea. I should point all yesterdays food and not eat today what I went over yesterday, does that make sense?

Rode FatHorse yesterday, she was fine. There were Monsters in the wood though and she was completely inattentive. No spooks, just somewhere else entirely. I was trying her in the hanging cheek french link but I might as well have been riding with a toothbrush for all the use it was. Rubbish.

Dreamt last night as well that Chris and I split up, because he didnt want me anymore. I know it was a dream (because I went to the gym afterwards, how WRONG is that??) but I still can't shake the rubbishness and am mooching about doing bugger all and just generally being miserable. Don't want to get back into bed (he's still asleep) just in case it's a little bit true. I went to the gym with Fanny yesterday, after we split up I was on my own. WE HAVE NOT SPLIT UP.

All rubbish.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.