Hair - took 4 hours, but I'm chuffed :biggrin: First colour didnt take so she did another with a darker colour - I like :D Will be a shock to OH though!! However spending stupid amounts of time in the hairdresser meant that I couldnt go to Boots and spend lots of money OR go to Next to buy more stuff. And I walked there and back.
Have also done the Nell dvd.... only managed 15 minutes the first time, then had a bit of a break (read quite a big break) and did the rest. Constant prancing. Floor may need reinforcing. Gym tomorrow. At least that floor feels solid lol.
Off to OHs sisters tonight and it's been decided we're going to see I Am Legend on Monday night.
Work alarm went off again this morning at 7am thankfully (would have been SO pissed off if it had been any earlier) cos the builders had left a wire dangling. So day started early and am now feeling effects. MUST get washing out of machine and do veg for tonight but I cant be BOTHERED.
Hair really is VERY dark....
Decisions - well, not really decisions tbh, more extra determination re the diet/sizeloss.
And the banghead? Why do people ask for advice and then either totally ignore what you say or pay such little attentiion to you that they go and do it anyway? I give it 2 weeks.
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.