Checked on the scales this morning, had put on 1lb :( But went to the gym again tonight. LazyFriend and I were clearly delirious and spent much of the session in fits of laughter. Especially when I went to do a step up and did a big fart....think we managed to disguise it as the bench squeaking.
Not going to the gym tomorrow, and have the weekend off. Looking forward to getting my hair done Saturday and will gym on Sunday. Due to CPD will have to go to gym Mon thurs and friday cos I'm working the weekend too.
I MUST get off the amazon website. I'm tired, I should go to bed...
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.