Friday, 8 August 2008


I'm having a lazy, eat all the pies day today. I can't get motivated at all.

Well, I went to the gym at 8am (couldnt stay asleep, had been up since half 6), then went up and did the nags, havent ridden (and dont feel like riding), just mucked out her stable from yesterday, gave them all haylage and scrubbed her water bucket and refilled it. Also moved her fencing out again. Little bugger has been leaning on the fence to get to more grass and sticking her head through the 2 lines of tape, so I put the energiser on it. God love her, she had the shock (haha) of her life, I feel almost sorry for her lol. She did it twice more then seemed to remember it bit, but everything was snorted at and generally made a high drama of for a while afterwards.

Have also walked into town and spent a ridiculous amount of money in Netto - getting the alcohol for the jumpathon. Really not looking forward to it now, none of my friends are coming and I can just imagine Chris and I sitting with the BBQ all night. Oh well, it's all for charity...

I've been thinking about some stuff Nicola said the other night and the more I think about, the more offended I get. I know the logical thing to do would be to not think about it, but I cant stop dwelling on it. But I cant decide if what she said was offensive or just fact. Chris was off being pissed somewhere so I cant even ask him.

I'm so tired now, I should finish tidying but can't even be arsed to stand up. Was planning on going for a run this afternoon, but....nah.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.