I'm so tired. Went up to the yard and rode before going to the gym. Don't know what had got into FatHorse, but she was an argumentative pain in the arse. I can't decide whether to leave the flash off (could be a bad move) or put a martingale on her. Or just to lunge her, but I could do with riding really - re-establish that we CAN go round corners without falling in or generally being a cow.
Gym was 'ok' - if I'm honest it was a bit rubbish, but I was giving myself benefit of doubt having just ridden. I was being too kind to myself, it was a shit gym, I ended up doing the last work 70seconds at 3% incline and the cross trainer was bollocks, I dont think I made it over 65 on the 'fast' section once. Rower was ok though I guess. No time for thin-arms or stretching. I dont know why I'm still late on a Sunday morning. I shouldnt be.
Work was good, very busy to start with but utterly dead all afternoon, so we ended up not taking a great deal at all. Got some new stock out and have ordered some more new things. I'm getting as bad as chris, hope it sells :S, there isnt room for it NOT to.
I did think about riding again tonight, but ended up just going for a pat. She couldnt care less. Soon as she realised I had no food for her, she just trundled off, no interest in cuddles whatsoever. Ungrateful old bitch.
Went for a run tonight as well, it was shit too. Walked far more than I ran. I'm doubly cross too cos I was too embarrassed to run in front of a bunch of chavs so I ended up walking far more than I should have done. Stupid AND rubbish. Mapmyrun says it was just under 3.5miles though so I should maybe do that one a bit more often, practise it, until I can run the lot. There are a *few* hills though...
I think the next time I go running I'll try Fewston, just a bit scared I'll get lost :rolleyes: I dont really remember the way (I've been round it once) but I do remember a bizarre twisty bit around a car park, which is where I have every potential to get lost. Hmmm.
Jumpathon the week after next. Everyone I've invited has either forgotten, made other plans or just plain refuses to say yes or no. So I'm going to know 4 people there and look like a twat too. I dont want to do it anymore, because I am a spoilt brat.
Might attempt Fewston on Friday, I think. Oh God, I need to get Nicola a birthday present. Her birthday is Saturday. And arrange to do something with her. What to get her?
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.