FatClub wasnt too bad tonight, lost another 1.5lbs, but once again I wore different clothes. Next week I have to wear the same, otherwise there's no point doing it really.
Rode FatHorse this morning, we went in the field. I dont know what it is about the side near her FatCamp, but she is just stupid down there, still we managed a good 25minutes schooling, then spent the next 10minutes or so tazzing about :blush: I do wish I was brave enough to jump the logs. They arent that big, it's just me, being stupid as ever lol. Anyway, she was a good girl, left the yard in a good mood, even though was a bit late.
Work wasnt too bad although there wasnt a huge amount on, Chris has got some figures he's struggling with, I MUST remember tomorrow to compare BHB & CDM figures see which are cheaper. Keep forgetting, which is rubbish especially as the sales sheets are top of my in tray. Will be on my own tomorrow :bawling: Chris is going to GYS and Stu is out in the van.
Was stupid at work, getting myself worked up over FatClub, and then cos Chris was in an arse he got snappy, plus I TOTALLY failed on my eating competition, was starving and had some of my lunch by 9.30, rubbish. Must not eat till after 1pm tomorrow. Might just leave my lunch in the car, if its not close then it will be less tempting. In theory anyway. Went to the gym after FatClub, and was rubbish but enjoyed myself. I think I might just stick to the quick, intensive program. I went in fully intending to try and run a total of 3 miles and failed completely and utterly. Heart wasnt in it tonight. Watch, tomorrow night I'll be full of running and I cant do anything cos the architect is coming round at 7.15. I might go down the gym after he's been, depending on what time it is.
So I'm cross (although being good now....) I was SO PROUD yesterday that I didnt do it, then spoilt it today. Tomorrow will be a good day.
Must get arse into gear and sort out things for tomorrow, otherwise will be in a big rush and will be utterly late for everything, and that will not be a good day...
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.