While I'm out I think of loads of things I want to blog, but when I get here, in front of my computer, I've forgotten it all.
I do need to stop weighing things down on other people though, it's stupid ad unnecesary and I do call myself Nicola. I sti9ll scratch but it's starting to hurt now, must be getting too blunt. Plus I'm running out of places to do it. Wearing a swimming costume now will be uncomfortable until I'm in the pool, and if I ever get thin enough, a bikini is out of the question.
Hmmm, getting thin. I dont think I'm cut out for dieting anymore. I havent eaten yet today which is V.Good. However, it'll get to about 5pm and I'll just trough everything in sight. Which is V. Bad, natch. Plus there\'s this BBQ on Friday, I will drink then and eat Very Bad Things.I really do wish I could make myself sick, it would make things so much easier. Its not through lack of trying either.
Got a gym review with Jen in about half hour or so....This is for before work on a Sunday when I dont have much time.
Elmo is being a Very Bad Kitten, poking about at stuff, have just shouted at him and Belly is sat on my lap, also bawling away at him....he stopped (to shut us up I think) and Belly gave him one last miow, then looked at me gave me a big blink and cuddled up again. Love my kittens.
Want to ride tonight, but its chris' neices birthday so we have to go down there. Plus it's raining and she'll be wet. Sigh.
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.