Friday, 8 June 2007

sleepy, grumpy, dopey....

Can't remember any other dwarves, except Happy and I ain't that...

I'm tired, I can't *really* be arsed with the gym tonight, but I must go, I am going and if I don't I will be furious with myself for not going. I'm really tired in that I'm slightly scared I may fall asleep on the cross trainer. Grumpy...well, there's still no decision apart from 'Tell FB that the job is hers, when M1 leaves....whenever that is'. His meeting was today at 4.30pm, but we all suspect he is on his final warning now. He won;t find another job and leave off his own bat - even if he works hard he's still on a fairly cushy number. Dopey...well, in that I can't really be arsed to do anything and I'm finding it hard to think straight. Looking on job centre website and nothing... There's a couple of pet shops I can ring tomorrow but I doubt they'll have anything.

My shoulder really is sore and clicky.

Food: half a chocolate chip muffin, salad (ham/halloumi/mozzerella/coleslaw) muller light, smoothie, quavers, pasta and bolognese sauce with parmesan, homemade garlic bread and wine.

Exercise: 20mins bike (200calories), 120 situps, gym (all weights, 18mins cross trainer, 10mins rower, 31mins treadmill)

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.