I'm now reading about Cerazette - the Pill I've just come off of...Doesn't seem to be well liked anyway. I appear to have done quite well on it, in that my skin hasnt got bad, nor has it raised blood pressure....I have had mood swings, but I don't know if that is down to my inherent bitchiness/brattishness anyway OR if the Pill has magnified it. Now I'm reading a bit more, it seems you can have difficulties coming off it. A lot of people have said that they bloated after they came off it, and had bad skin and raised blood pressure anyway. So have I done the wrong thing?
I am mostly convinced that the pill has stopped my weight loss. It coincides with the right time anyway. Now I'm off it, I'm all motivated to lose weight again, but what if its just cos my enthusiasm was waning anyway? What if it's all psychological and I needn't have come off the Pill? Still, done now...Will give it 2 months and see what happens.
I'm so tired and I've done NOTHING to warrant it...Did some clothes washing and some washing up, surfed t'net most of the day, watched United 93, surfed some more, window shopped in the Next catologue, but I am yawning like nothing on this earth and could happily go to sleep. Just done 5minutes on the bike and am ready to have a heart attack!!! My legs ache, I'm sweaty like you wouldnt believe and I'm out of breath....Surely it hasnt been THAT long since I've been on it. How embarrassing. Was vaguely entertaining ideas of doing 20mins on it before work everyday - not a chance if I feel like this after 5mins!! Have the vague rumblings of the start of a cold, but have been like this for a week or so and it refuses to develop or go away. Sulk. It doesnt help that I am B.O.R.E.D and therefore eating.
Food: 1 x ham & pie d'angloys sandwich, 2 x ham, coleslaw and mozzerella breadrolls, chunks of port salut, 1 packet quavers, 1 chunk of Halloumi, pork fillet, 1 sausage, beans, carrots, boiled potatoes, 2 yorkshire puddings, 3 teaspoons apple sauce, gravy, half a bottle rose wine
Exercise: 30mins (300calories) on the bike, 40 lengths in swimming pool
Hmmm, maybe I just needed a 'warmup' - have just done 25mins straight on bike and was ok...hot and sweaty and mildly out of breath, but otherwise ok... knees ache now! Will weigh myself in the morning (am expecting it to be around WWstones 5lbs or so), then get back into the routine again. And will see how quickly - if at all, weight loss happens. If nothing, I swear I am going for lipo.
(9.30pm - just back from swimming. I am KNACKERED. Lots of movement, not very much speed. Am convinced 2 girls were laughing at how slow I was :( Was a real struggle.)
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.