Thursday, 24 May 2007

Little Toad...

NeedyKitten that is. Has somehow found his catnip from whereever it was hidden - me and OH both thought it was on the mantlepeice in the living room, but that would involve the cat going in there last night, stealing it, then hiding it ready to spill everywhere this morning.... although knowing him, I wouldnt put it past him lol. The hallway is just a sea of catnip....He will have a shock when I hoover tonight!!

Currently eating a bowl of Crunchy nut cornflakes, very slowly and am enjoying every mouthful :nod: as told to by Paul McKenna. Must listen to that CD tonight, as definately have not woken up full of energy and ready to run 10 miles! I have left some remnants of cornflakes and some milk in the bowl though, just like he told me to...

Only today and tomorrow left at work and then a whole week off (again!) I will have no holiday left soon lol.
Just back from work....Been so proud of myself all day for not being so hungry and was wondering if Paul was helping! No, I just forgot I had eaten those cornflakes :bawling: I did however leave bits of all my food so far today (except the chocolate hobnobs :blush: ).

Went to S' gym this evening. Very different to mine. The cross trainers made my legs ache more for a start! Did a different programme to what I do at Aireborough....5mins on bike to warm up, 15 on x-trainer, then 10 on rower. Then we arsed about on a toning table for a bit, then I did oblique twists (dont have that at mine, although do have one here at home which I forgot about), Pec Flys, adductor and abductor. They HURT!!! Oh, and one for your bum - you lie on front then lift on leg up at a time on this machiney thing. Very odd. Don't feel particularly worked out though, although will regret saying that tomorrow - I can feel it already!

Busybusy at work, SC was irritating, started waffling on about shires 'crap feet' until I got so irritated, I just turned round and said 'Actually SC, thats just bad farriery...' Looked at me as though I'd just kicked a kitten and walked off. Also made lots of unsubtle hints about baths, and walking dogs and making sure they had water. I'm so awful.

Food: 1 bowl crunchy nut cornflakes, porridge, muller light, quavers, 2 hobnobs, 2 rice cakes with laughing cow light cheese, limey chicken, pilau rice, homemade garlic bread

Exercise: Gym

:cuddle: and :goodvibes: for today, E :)

(Just finished tea....didn't leave any of it. Or the rice cakes...)

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.