And am a bit :huh: It seems fairly common sense-y really and all a bit too easy. I stand to be corrected, obviously, but *dunno* it just seems, well, too easy. Maybe the epiphany will come when i listen to the CD.
There's 4 'rules' - only 2 of which I can remember. 1 is eat what you want, when you want. The other I can remember is chew each mouthful slowly and savour each mouthful.
I managed the first of those, but not the second today :blush:
He says dont weigh yourself for 2 weeks :S thats when I tend to give up when I can't see how I'm doing....But suppose it fits in nicely with us being at mum and dads next week. He also suggests making sure you leave SOMETHING each meal...have cheated tonight and left the crusts, which I never eat anyway lol.
Work wasnt too bad. M1 is an utter arse and I can't wait for him to go. OH told me I eat too much and don't do enough exercise to lose weight :( Although the past 2 weeks I would have to agree with him :(
Food: salad (ham/halloumi/salad cream), muller light, quavers, 1 qalaxy cake bar, lots of caramel & choc biscuits, lots of Hobnobs, a packet of maltesers, half a bacon and cheese savory, a big bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes, 1 salami & pie d'angloys sandwich, 1 ham & pie d'angloys sandwich.
Exercise: 70lengths swimming. Pool was empty! Well, full of women. Their OHs were all obviously watching the football too :rolleyes:
A gaining week :(
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.