At midnight last night and :S dunno.
'Is everything ok? I've just seen post on the forum :S I sent you a txt the day before yesterday, didnt you get it? And I went to the internet cafe but you went offline. Havent spoken to the vet re Dectomax but visit is already booked and she did say at the time no other treatment available. Have to work on Sunday. If you come Monday, I have 2 hours off over lunch but not allowed holidays yet as only been here a couple of weeks. You can come and see her on your own no probs, no one will bother you and can definately skive for half an hour or so :)'
So, hmmm. At 2am I came to the conclusion I *may* tell her the sale is off (there is nothing in writing as such to say M was ever offered for sale) and update the contract, put in a few more specific clauses.
Am still yet to reply to the text. Not sure what to put. No weight loss.
9.30pm. replied, saying I didnt like the fact I'd sent 7 messages to her 1 reply, and re-asked all the questions I asked in previous texts. Still waiting for an answer. She's been online.
Food: salad (ham, mozzerella, salad cream), quavers, grapes, 2 mini yorkie bars, half a packet maltesers (:blush:), limey chicken, pilau rice, 6 biscuits
Exercise: 50 lengths in the pool
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.