Thursday, 17 May 2007

Hypothetically, Potentially

No reply to apology. :( I really dont know what to say or do. Have a list of 20 yards to ring round in the morning. I really dont want to go back to where she was before, but if I have to, I have to. I suppose its better the devil you know really.

Had very little sleep last night, about 4 hours max. Meant that I couldnt get too worked up about today, until Owner actually arrived. I've been left a little bit :huh: and *dizzy* over the review. Basically, I have come out of it looking great, which was a shock! I underestimated myself on everything. M1 did some very political voting and gave everybody horrific scores.... Had it not been for that, my overall score would have been a good 4.5-5 (out of 6) rather than the steady 4 it was. The funniest thing I have EVER heard, is that he gave everyone 2/3 for time keeping - and gave himself 4s & 5s :heehee: This is the man that regularly rocks up at 9.45am, then goes to the bank at 10am, gets back at 11am, and goes for a 3 hour lunch at midday. I can only assume he thought he was marking 1 as the highest LOL. Hypothetically, Potentially, IF eithers M1,2 or 3 were to leave, there will be a new position created for someone (me) to move into. Hypothetically, Potentially, Someone might be leaving in 3weeks time. This means a hefty payrise, lots more input and responsibility, a salary, rather than the rota (no more overtime, boo), so Hypothetically, Potentially, keep those fingers crossed for a while longer. It totally hasnt sunk in yet, I keep wondering if I have made it up. I cant let myself get too overexcited for another 3 weeks. However, I have already mentally spent the money!

Spent most of the day eating chocolate and biscuits. Am pissed off now, as there was a significant loss this morning. Didnt go to gym either as was exhausted by the time I finished work. Am also shocked at the 'comedown' I had at 4pm - I havent had such an amount of chocolate for so long, and that combined with the review and last night, meant that come 4pm I was exhausted and physically couldnt do anything more taxing than chat to builders.

Food: Quavers, salad (ham/mozzerella/salad cream), 1 chocolate muffin, lots of chocolate hobnobs, 1 packet of Planets, some Hula Hoops, some Aero bubbles most of a pack of Rolos, pizza, garlic bread.

Exercise: Nothing. At all.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.