Thursday, 29 May 2008

Must be mad

Yesterday, I got up early and was riding by 7.30am, went to work after (admittedly didnt do a right lot :blush: ) and then went to the gym afterwards, and even if I say so myself, I was AMAZING (for me).

Ran 1.61miles, had a minutes break and then did to 2.10miles (took 25minutes), rower was 2000m in 8m44s (could have been quicker cos I kept stopping to tighten the foot straps, but I'm not being cross, honest), did program 3 on the bike, then 15minutes on level 16 on the cross trainer. A once in a lifetime, never to be repeated, workout :lol: I was proud.

Now, this morning, I got up at 5.15 (wide awake, although typically I could sleep now) and am about to go up to the yard again to ride. Am also madly crossing fingers that the fog clears because I'd quite like to go round the bridleway before Yorkgate gets busy. Architect is coming round tonight with the loft conversion plans and then hopefully I'll get to the gym after, depends on how long he stays.

Going to see ash tomorrow, I CANNOT wait


Much more motivation needed to get thin. Chris and I have just booked this years holiday - 5 days in Iceland at the end of September. Flights booked (and seats picked!), hotel booked... came to 58,500ISK :lol: Makes 800quid sound small change lol. I NEED to be thin, I want to get in a geyser :lol: I also need to win the lottery, it is SO expensive over there. Now just need to work on the whole 'I hate flying' thing...

Arms are ever so sore now though after yesterdays gymming. Think I might actually have to see if they do running tops in Fat Size. My iPod calorie thing should be here today, weeee!! Hope so :lol:

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.