Friday, 11 January 2008

aims and goals....

Well, I've booked my 'getting into the 15's' present...sadly for before February 1st, so must make trebley sure I am Very Good. It's a haircut & colour on the 19th. The one after that (1st march - 15.7) is a Wii game off OH. Am wondering whether to make getting into the 14's my Harvey Nichols makeup make over. I'm not sure.

The 2 B's had a stand up fight in the middle of the shop today, much to my great sadness that as manager I had to break it up and give them both a talking to. OlderB apparently told the other one to 'stop disrespectin me, innit' :bawling: :heehee:

Did Carmen again tonight before the terrors came round (we ended up babysitting, hence the absense from MSN) and I really ache now lol. Tomorrow is New Gym Routine. Bit scared now. Also can't decide if tummy is starting to change shape. No point asking OH - if he thinks it'll make me happy he tells me it's smaller, although he did exclaim tits were bigger tonight, which he qualified with 'pert'. Bigger does not = pert in my book. Besides which, my tits are long past being pert.

Cannot WAIT until the new mattress arrives. Really can't. OH and I have swapped sides in bed cos I was too uncomfortable lol. Slept relatively well last night lol.

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.