Monday, 10 December 2007

Gold Stars

I have finally discovered how to get The Staff to work! Slightly wrong in that they're all over 18 and are being conned into working with the promise of gold stars and a tickable sheet of Things to Do. Has worked today. Who am I to argue? Lets see how it works in a few weeks.

Weigh in today - had put on 4lbs from yesterday, but as I had a somewhat abrupt wake up call ('Are you a keyholder for FBs work?' 'yes' 'Your intruder alarm is going off!') I leapt onto the scales, did the WI then ran. Well. Drove. A jumper had fallen off the lockers. So I've been at work since 7am.

So, work went well, everyone nice and busy. A nice lady asked to speak to the vet, bless her, she meant me. AMTRA really need to employ some more approachable staff, but never mind.

Gym tonight, did full program. Was much easier than Friday, but never mind. Still struggle on the arms and squats, although I *was* admiring how thin my legs looked as I did the squats. And I think I might be seeing some definition in the old arms. That obviously could be delusion, but I live in hope.

Half a bottle of wine tonight, creatively pointed so to enable it, but it's all good. Must be good this week though. I so want to lose weight and be in the 15s by new year. How about that? start the new year 5 stone less than I started it. Thats something I didnt think I'd be saying now.

Facebook is addictive. Am doing a FIENDISHLY difficult puzzle. Oh how the might have fallen, I used to be quite cool once....

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.